Read - Category Slash - Die J/C Die 2005
2005: Het / Slash
Read: Phase I /II / 2004


Die J/C Die Contest 2005 - Slash Entries:


  1. Story title: "Ask Me No Questions" outside link
    Author name: Julie Levin Russo
    Codes: J/7, J/Seska
    Rating: NC-17, warnings for non-consensual sex
    Summary: On the eve of the five-year anniversary of Voyager's return, Seven's on her way home from deep space. Janeway doesn't have the answers. But a forgotten nemesis might...
  2. Story title: "Below Habits of Thinking" outside link
    Author name: Aqua Blurr
    Codes: J/female, J/C
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Exceedingly short ficlet--triple drabble length. The title is from a line in Seku Sundiata's poem, Dejerrido.
  3. Story title: "B'Elannarella"
    Author name: Odon
    Codes: T/7
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sensual astrometrix Anna Seven, aided by the savage and passionate B'Elannarella, must save the universe from the evil Doctor's Photonic Cannon. Any resemblance to the 1968 film "Barbarella" staring Jane Fonda is purely intentional.
  4. Story title: "Heat" outside link
    Author name: Angelee
    Codes: C/P
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Where there's heat, there's fire.
  5. Story title: "(In)directives" outside link
    Author name: Aqua Blurr
    Codes: J/7, J/C, C/7
    Rating: R
    Summary: Godard once said, "A story should have a beginning, a middle,
    and an end... but not necessarily in that order." Here I give you a
    ficlet in fragments, like the associations the mind makes while sifting
    through memory.
  6. Story title: "Oh my God, they killed Chakotay!" outside link
    Author name: Sazzy
    Codes: J/7
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: It's South Park meets Voyager as the ship gets stuck in one weird temporal loop. Can Janeway figure the right way out? No contest rules were actually broken in the writing of this fic. :-P
  7. Story title: "The Dark Side of the Glass" outside link
    Author name: Jaye
    Codes: C/Ransom
    Rating: PG-13
    Summary: Voyager's First Officer and Equinox's Captain have a conversation.
  8. Story title: "The Kissing Bandit" outside link
    Author name: Angelee
    Codes: C/P
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Sometimes to get what you want you have to be a little sneaky.
  9. Story title: "The Proposal" outside link
    Author name: Angelee
    Codes: C/P
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Chakotay asks. Tom says maybe.

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