The Sports Study Resource           

 This site is aimed at people who are studying sport at any level and aims to provide articles and essays which can

provide Sports Study courses.  The laws applicable to plagiarism apply to work found on this web site and any

information taken from this web site should be given credit  in a fully referenced bibliography included within your work.  

At the very least this should contain the authors name, the title of the work and the web address from which it can be



Main Study Sections


Anatomy and Physiology

Skill Acquisition

History of Sport

Exercise Prescription

Fitness and training




Anyone who wishes to contribute to this site may send the webmaster a copy of their article or essay along with a brief

summary of the work and a five digit password (numbers or letters) which will be needed in the event of the author wishing to remove their work

from the site. The summary should be no more than 50 words and the webmaster reserves the right to edit summaries which

exceed the word limit.  Submissions can be sent to the following address.

Please read the Terms and Conditions for submitting works.


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