Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 12:24:43 -0500
From: J
Subject: Out with Lorna


Let me get this straight. The Star is quoted today, after the tentative
agreement, as saying, "A deal means that students will have enough time
to make up the 22 days of classes that were lost to the strike and will
not lose their year." It's no secret that the stike started on October
26. That's almost 11 weeks. So lets see, there are 5 school days in a
week: 5x11=22????

Then President Lorna Marsden is quoted as saying, "'We have achieved
settlements which compensate the employees without jeopardizing the
academic and financial integrity of the University,'' and that they
reached ''an evenhanded and responsible'' solution.

I can only assume that President Marsden must think that the undergrads
at York University have become stupid while not recieving an education
for these past 11 weeks. Or maybe she is not trying to address the
students, she has managed to avoid us completely since October 26.
Instead she might be trying to fool the rest of the public and potential
students of the future. The only words that come to my head now are the
chants we used at the student demonstations in November, "Refund or
Resign!" and "Lorna! Lorna! Lorna! Out! Out! Out!"

J, an undergrad.

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