*NEWS Motherfucking FLASH!*
Yo, right back at ya motherfunkers!
this shit out! Finally! We've rubbed out collective brain-pubes together and now that shit's online in full mp3 glory! Unless of course something has fucked up and you can't get them or something, but I won't worry about that until someone tells me about it. Go to the album page to check out the info too. In other news, I am in the process of getting a shit-load of cd-rs to send out! Holla at me in the near future!
Oh, and
3ofSpades: Part 2 - The Numero Deux Album is taking shape, say word! Word!
On the left you will notice a selection of spades. Choose, but choose wisely my friend, as a spade you choose today may very well kick your ass into next week tomorrow.
The 'Band' spade takes you on a whistle-stop tour into the lives and loves of the band members. You will see their hopes, fears and see life through their eyes as a complete online experience called 'Spade-ual Reality' (possibly).
The 'Albums' spade is where the real ass-spading occurs. This lets you download tracks from the debut album and the compilation, as well as revealing insightful imformation about the third album. Kick ass.
The 'Pics' spade gives complex information about how to construct your own 5 person light aircraft, along with operating instructions and detailed technical manuals. Or maybe pictures of the band go in there... who knows.
The 'Gigs' spade is also known as the 'Inshallah' spade AKA the 'if pigs fly' spade. If pigs DO fly, this is the spade you'll need to beat them back down to earth.
The 'Links' spade is an all-purpose spade used for launching your internet ass into other realms of coolness and interest. Its powers are two-fold: to access other music sites, and to point you in the direction of amusing shit. Enjoy.
Page created, edited and updated by Paul Edwards
Comments, questions or anything email me at
Alternatively if you have
MSN Messenger add me to your list. Looking forward to hearing from you. This all sound kind of familiar? You've probably been to Colm's site then, as I pretty much lifted this whole section from the bottom of his page! Sure he won't mind though. Steal from the best.
Spades provided by SpadesExpress.