Check this out....You can see some of my friends who haven't gotten on the web on their own yet... so I helped them out.


Do you want to make your own web page??? This is a great tool...check it out. It has a tutorial so even if you don't know how to make your own web page you can learn.

Strouds CWSapps List has all of the newest and coolest applications to make your time on the computer even more fun! ! !

For all you astrology buffs, go check out the Chinese Astrology Page and you horor scope nuts can check your Daily Horoscope. It can help you decide if Mr/Miss Right is a perfect match or just Mr/Miss Right Now.

Now if you ever get out of the house, here is where to start if you want to go see a movie. Moviefone Online is the way to go. Choose your city and find out which theater has your fav. actor or actress in their newest film.

PhotoWorks is a great company. I send all my film to them and I get a free film back and my pictures are scanned so I can put them on the computer and I get prints. It is very easy.

If you want to play some games try this on for size. Riddler is the place to go for a treasure hunt of the web. You can win prizes and cash and it's free to play. So try it out. I go play every once and a while. It's fun and you can find new places on the Net by playing.

You want to listen to music while you surf the internet??? Well check this site out Radio It has all types of music to listen to through your browser while you surf.

Go back to my home page.