Hello boys and girls, mamas and papas, grannies and nannies, otosan and okarsan

I am in the pleasant situation to announce some news.

"swissbaby@winterthur" arrives soon.

Swisskatrin will manage the thing.

Something important is pending: authority wants "username" and "password" for baby. I would have given him the name later when baby "outs himself". Strong boy would be called "Maximus", or if he likes bananas or nanas "bingo" will be adequate. swissbabygirl? Same like my first girlfriend or like second name of mama or famous movie star or why not "Heidi" if the name is not under copyright of Mr. Jordi/Spyri connection. 


Lets do something unusual: I like to get your opinion. Give some input. The most useful idea will win something. I will tell you later what. Be aware,  it could be 2 hours babysitting!

Just sign in the guest book: female/male name and the meaning or the reason why... it would be interesting to hear some nice sounding names from your culture. A hint:  the family name will be "Gottschall" so don't suggest "Gottlieb". And no jokes about my "new job": things happens. : -)

Just after four o'clock in the afternoon on Wenesday 24. october 2001 swissbaby landed save in Winterthur. The english expression "to be in labour" is just right. Sometimes I am happy to just be a simple man and let woman to the big things. Everything went fine, Katrin is fine, baby is fine. Why this name? why not! to many Kevins, Marcs and Lucas.. and certainly not George. ALI "der Erhabene" because the year is dominated by the Islam and we will never forget. The counterpart is christian: BEN for Benjamin (not BIN) Easy to use in the english world. Even the Americans can spell it. TELL is also a first name, you will probably know it from the legendary Willhelm Tell. I will reserve already the swisstell@hotmail.com... Astonishly how many people have problem with the first three letters... Its just a name. If we already have problems to accept this how can we accept the other things? The main reason for me is the sound "Ali Ben Tell" "ALLLI BENNNN TELL". Yeah he hase to listen first the stories of "Sindbad" and "1001 nights of Bagdad" instead of Pokemon and Harry PuttoDeath.

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