Stuart Macdonald Dec '95

The SMAC Page

The Home Page Just For Kids

Welcome you are visitor number since January 23rd, 1995.

The "SMAC PAGE" is a page devoted to help kids find the resources they might need on the WEB. There are listings of other interesting pages, childrens authors, educational resources etc etc

This Home Page is obviously still under construction, but I am sure that you can look forward to some big improvements.

In the meantime, I have put together a couple of my favourite Web Sites for you to sample ......Just click on the site below and you will be beamed up to your destination.

Stuart's Web Sites
Harry's Haunted House of Horrors
The Teddy Bear's Picnic Ground
Jamie's Book Shop
Rugrats Home Page
Sausage Software
Disney Home Page
The JGP Experience
Homepage Assistance

As you can see, not much as yet, but you can certainly expect more soon.

If you wish to email me for any reason please do so by clicking the mailbox below

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If for some strange reason you want to return to the top of my Home Page, this is the place to click Back To Start