Thanks to all supporters world wide. Cocos Island National Park made it to the


December 4th 1997

The Cocos Island Research Center (Miami, Florida)



Cocos Island National Park

Costa Rica

Inscribed: 1997
Criteria: N (ii) (iv)
Justification for Inscription: Report of the 21st Session of the Committee


Brief description:
Cocos Island National Park, located 550 km off the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, is the only island in the tropical eastern Pacific with a humid tropical forest. Its position as the first point of contact with the northern equatorial counter current and the myriad of interactions between the island and the surrounding marine ecosystem make the area an ideal laboratory for the study of biological processes. The underwater world of the national park has become famous due to the attraction it has for divers who rate it as one of the best places in the world to view large pelagic species such as sharks, rays, tuna and dolphins.

About the World Heritage List

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Update: Cocos Island National Park, 12/1997

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