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The Big Dusty Book of Issues

the following e mail is from Bernie Case (an e mail bud of mine)
He's from Longview, WAshington, USA. This e mail i would like AUSTRALIANS and AMERICANS alike to read !!
Becoz it is SOOOOOOO true !!

Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 23:51:13 -0700
From: Bernie Case
Subject: Australia=America? I hope not.
I was just looking around on some Australian homepages and it amazes me
about how much stuff deals with American society. Such as surgeon general,
TV (about 80% of the shows and channels that I saw were American), movies (I
only saw 4 original Australian films...the rest were American), music (a lot
of the music that I saw was American, but you do have a lot of Australian
music to go with, etc.

I sure as hell hope that the homies that you describe truly don't turn into
our wanna-be homies. Wanna-be homies want to be like the real thing so they
take everything so seriously when it comes to gangs and that usually ends up
getting people killed or hurt. That's one thing about Americanization that
I do not like--our violence being flown, bussed, shipped, and sent to other
countries. This world has enough problems, why should we Americans add to them?

vee: we have wanna bee homies. Except becoz of our gun laws on automatic and semi-automatic weapons tightening. They use knives NOT guns. But they have this one thing:
a grudge against skegs.[SKEGS-surfies, surfers.] Dunno why. But they do. It's soo stupid!

I hope that Australia gets a hold of its self before it's too late. I would
hate to see such a great country turn into the next US of A.

Well that's my political rhetoric for the day, I am outta here!!
Bernie Case

i hope y'all took note! Coz it's what myself and my mother have been saying for a v-long time.
we are NOT alone! as u can see . . . . if u have an opinion about Australia (good or bad!) e mail me it !! PLEASE also tell me if u will let me paste it on this page too . . .


ISSUE 2: From: Bernie Case
Subject: Well isn't this country great...
Date: 27 July 1996 19:51

Sometimes, I love this country alot. Tonight is not the time for me to love it.
In the past 8 days, 2 suspected bombs have allegedly gone off. One was allegedly during TWA Flight 800 which killed all 230 passengers and crew aboard. The other happened about 5 hours ago when someone deposited a small bag near a sound tower at the Centennial Gardens in Atlanta. One person was confirmed dead the last time I checked which was about 15 minutes ago.
This country is going to hell!!!!!!
I love this country, but not the senseless terrorism and pansy bullshit that people pull. If people truly have a bone to pick with our government, why do they take the easy way out? Do they think it makes them heroes? Are they heroes to some? Not to me and not to a lot of other people that I know. But to some, those that commit crimes against our government and try to spread anarchist bullshit are heroes with almost God-like stature.
This sickens me. I have seen enough Deavid Koresh, Oklahoma City, Idaho Freemen, Arizona Vipers, Unabomber, TWA Flight 800, and now Olympic Centennial Gardens media stories for the rest of my life.
As I have seen as much as I can see on the TV and seen a lot on the Internet, I wonder if all this media hype and media blitzing only adds to the 'thrill' of endangering civilian lives. Not only civilian lives but the lives of the innocent who are only trying to have a good time.
I just have to ask myself, what is this world coming to?
Perhaps hell, perhaps the second-coming of Christ.....who knows?
That's my news to report for the day....good day.
Bernie Case
Vee: Well this e-mail resulted from the bomb incident in ATLANTA..if u have any LITERARY stuff (issue-attacking, poetry, etc) u wouldn't mind me having then E mAiL me it..PLeAsE!! ??


As per usual, I take NO responsiblity for any links on any of my pages that don't transport you to other worlds besides purely i don't have the time to update them. NO RESPONSIBLITY WHAT - SO - EVER!! Thank you for reading this. You may continue...

Broadwater Campus is the TAFE i attend --[TAFE - Qld]
NEW YORK KNICKS rule!!{Need i say more??}
Ever wondered watz making headlines in Oz? --Australian Associated Press !
An Aussie TV Station..WoW!Australian Broadcasting Commission {ABC}
I could NEVER get enuff of MTV! Who can?
ChEcK It oUt!!I'd like to intro Bernie Case
ChEcK It oUt!! I'd like to intro Micheal Keith
ChEcK It oUt!! I'd like to intro Russ Springe
ChEcK It oUt!! I'd like to intro ALEX!!
ChEcK It oUt!!I'd like to intro ... ESPO (Mikael and Daniel)
ChEcK It oUt!! Espo again...

********************************************************** start of darkness
Gothic linx
American Gothic
Gothic link 1
Goth link 2
Goth link 3
Goth link 5
Goth link 6
My personal link
********************************************************** end of darkness

***************************************************** start of MoViE/ScRiPtS
Drew's Scripts-O-Rama
Internet Entertainment Network
The Masked Man..who is he??
Screenwriters/Playrights Page (TiPz)
M-O-V-i-E (makers of visual independant entertainment)
***************************************************** end of MoViE/ScRiPtS

start of Miscellaneous ********************************************************
TIME OFF! Local musik newspaper mag..NEW! every Wednesday!
New Agers click here! AnYoNe CLICK HERE!
****************************************************** end of Miscellaneous

start of TeenZ GIFS********************************************************
The following people have one of my TEENZ SURVEY GIFz on their page HENCE VISIT THEM !!

****************************************************** end of TeenZ GIFS

MTV anyone? or am i 2 c if i am ........

PaGe OnE? anyone?