Home Do You Know Me? Life in Brazil Interests Favorites



My Favorite Sites

Since I've moved to Brazil I've looked into doing things from down south which I used to to in Canada.  For instance, many magazines are available online.  

Subscribed Sites

Microsoft Investor

I'm a member of Microsoft Investor which does a great job with investment information and has a great portfolio tracker.  By only beef is that their Canadian Mutual Funds is non-existent.  I'm a member because I have Microsoft Money Financial Addition.

I'm also a member of Consumer Reports Online the online version of Consumer Reports.  This is more convenient than the printed version, I can search for the item that I'm interested in and printout the relevant information.

Business Week Online

I really like Business Week and am a member of Business Week Online.  I subscribe to the print issue and get to use the online issue for free.  I get to read the next issue weeks before it arrives at my door.  Plus I can search for past articles easily.

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I do my stock transactions with TD Bank's Green Line.  Not a bad site, but only functional.

International Sites

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Transparent Language has software for hundreds of languages.  Learn a new language with Computer Based Training.

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For currency information there's no need to go any further.  Even has graphs.  I've got the Brazilian/Canadian exchange setup at this site.

This page was last updated on 11/17/98.