

Excessive position command difference (fault message)
When the drive is working in position loop mode, position command signals arriving through the SERCOS interface are monitored. If the velocity demanded of the drive by two successive position command signals is equal to or greater than the "bipolar velocity limit value", the position command monitoring function will be activated. The excessive position command is stored in parameter P-0-0010. The last valid position command is stored in parameter P-0-0011 (see Applications Manual).
Compare the "bipolar velocity limit value" (ID-Nr. S-0-0091) with the velocity stored in the part program and adapt, if necessary.

External encoder failure: signals too small (fault message)
For high-resolution evaluation, an external measuring system will use its analog signals. The signal amplitudes are below a permissible limit.
Check the cable to the measuring system.

Invalid feedback data --> Phase 2 (fault message)
Error 22 (motor encoder failure) has occurred during cyclic operation (Phase 4). This error message is generated by the drive controller once the first message has been cleared in Phase 4.
Defective feedback cable or feedback
Check feedback and feedback cable, repair/replace, if necessary, and clear the error in Phase 2.

Travel limit switch detected (fault message)
The travel limit switch has been detected, resulting in shutdown of the relevantdrive package's power supply. The servo drive was brought to a standstill with maximum acceleration.
1. Clear the error on the control unit.
2. Reactivate the power supply.
3. Move the axis back into the permissible travel range.

Commands that would move the axis still further out of range will not be accepted by the drive. If it receive  another such command, it will emit the same error message.

External encoder failure: quadrant error (fault message)
A hardware fault has been detected on the DLF 1.1 high-resolution position interface for sine signals in the external measuring system.
Cause 1: Defective encoder cable.
Replace encoder cable.
Cause 2: Interference in the encoder cable.
Lay encoder cable away from power-carrying cables.
Cause 3: Defective DLF 1.1 module.
Replace DLF 1.1 module.

External encoder failure: frequency limit exceeded (fault message)
The interface module for connection of the external measuring system may only be operated up to a maximum input frequency.
Maximum input frequencies:
DEF 1.1 = 1000 kHz
DEF 2.1 = 1000 kHz
DLF 1.1 = 150 kHz
Maximum input frequency exceeded.
Reduce the velocity.

Error in detecting the marker of the external encoder (fault message)
Cause 1: Defective DLF 1.1 module.
Replace DLF 1.1 module.
Cause 2: Error in detecting the marker of the external encoder.
Contact an INDRAMAT service representative as the installed encoder is not compatible with the evaluation electronics.

Low absolute encoder battery voltage (fault message/ warning)
Absolute encoders incorporating a battery in the feedback are voltage-monitored. This mesage is emitted if the battery voltage falls below 2.8V. The absolute encoder will still function for roughly another four weeks.
When this period has elapsed, the absolute reference point may be lost. This means danger of uncontrolled axis motions! Replace the battery as soon as possible!
Battery voltage has dropped below 2.8V.
Replace with new battery (part no. 257101).
The following tools are needed to exchange the battery:
* torx screwdriver, size 10
* pointed pliers
* torque wrench
Danger of uncontrolled axis motions when replacing batteries!
* Switch power supply off. Secure it against being swtiched back on.
* Exchange the battery while the control voltage is on!
If the control voltage is switched off while the battery has been
pulled, then the absolute reference point will be lost.
The absolute reference point must then first be reset.
Removing the old battery:
* Using a screwdriver, remove the four torx screws (1).
* Manually pull out the lid of the resolver feedback RSF with hood.
* Carefully remove the battery plug (2).
* Use the pointed pliers to pull the batteries out (3).
Putting the new battery in:
* Manually place the battery (part no. 257101) into the housing. Attention: do not pinch the battery cable!
* Re-connect the battery plug (2) to the pc board. Attention: make sure polarity is correct!
* Put lid of the resolver feedback RSF with hood back into the housing. Attention: Only one lid position is possible!
* Screw the four torx screw (1) back into place and, with the use of the torque wrench, tighten them with 1.8 Nm.

Master encoder failure (fault message)
The master encoder signals are monitored. This error message is generated when they move out of the tolerance range.
Cause 1: The encoder cable is faulty.
Check the encoder cable.
Cause 2: The feedback is defective.
Replace the feedback.
Cause 3: The DFF card is defective.
Replace the DFF card.

Drive overtemperature warning (warning)
The temperature of the heatsink in the drive controller has reached the maximum permissible level. The drive will follow the command value for 30 seconds. This permits the axis to be brought to a halt by the NC control unit without endangering the process (e.g., completing a machining operation, retreating from an area where collisions might occur, etc.). After 30 seconds, the drive will react according to the parameter "error reaction (P-0-0007) (see relevant Applications Manual).
Cause 1: Failure of unit's internal cooling system.
Replace the drive controller.
Cause 2: Failure of the cabinet's air conditioning system.
Restore the cabinet air conditioning function.
Cause 3: Insufficiently dimensioned cabinet heat dissipation.
Check cabinet dimensioning.

Motor overtemperature warning (warning)
The motor has risen above the permissible temperature. The drive will follow the given command value for 30 seconds. This permits the axis to be brought to a halt by the NC control unit without endangering the process (e.g., completing a machining operation, retreating from an area where collisions might occur, etc.). After 30 seconds, the drive will react according to the parameter "error reaction" (see Applications Manual). The motor was overloaded. The effective torque demanded from the motor was above the permissible nominal torque for too long.
Check the motor dimensioning. For plants which have been in operation for some time, check whether the drive conditions have changed (e.g., contamination, friction, moved masses, etc.).

Bleeder overtemperature warning (warning)
On reversing, the motor briefly enters the bleeder overload range. The contact on the plug terminal block X7 closes and can thus be evaluated. If a predetermined limit is exceeded, error message 20 "bleeder overtemperature shutdown" will be generated.

Bridge fuse (fault message)
The current in the power transistor bridge has risen to more than twice the unit's rated current. The drive torque function is immediately disabled.
Cause 1: Short-circuit in the motor cable.
Check the motor cable for short-circuits.
Cause 2: Power section of the drive controller is defective.
Replace the drive controller, if necessary.

Overcurrent: short to ground (fault message)
The sum of the phase currents is monitored. During normal operation, the sum = 0. The earth connection fuse will react when the sum of the currents rises above 0.5 x I N .
Defective motor cable or earth short in the motor.
Check motor cable and motor for shorting to earth and replace, if necessary (see relevant documentation when replacing).

Erroneous internal hardware synchronization (fault message)
The pulse width modulator of the drive controller is synchronized by a phase control loop. The synchronization is monitored and the above error message signalled when a fault is detected.
Cause 1: Faulty synchronization of the pulse width modulator.
Replace the unit and send it in for checking.
Cause 2: Error in MST from master (NC control unit).
Check transmission starting time. (Consult the manufacturer of the NC control unit.)

Brake error (fault message)
For MDD motors with integral brakes, the drive controller pilots the brake. The brake current is monitored. If it lies outside the permissible range, the above error message will be signalled.
Cause 1: The supply voltage for the holding brake has not been properly connected or lies outside the tolerance window (24 V, ±10 %).
Check voltage supply.
Cause 2: Motor cable incomplete or wrongly connected (reverse polarity).
Check motor cable.
Cause 3: Defective holding brake.
Replace the motor (see relevant documentation).
Cause 4: Defective drive controller.
Replace the controller.

±15 V error (fault message)
The controller has detected a vault in the ±15 V supply.
Cause 1: Defective control voltage bus cable.
Check and, if necessary, replace the control voltage bus cable or plug connector.
Cause 2: Defective supply module.
Check the power supply module (see Applications Manual for supply module).

+24 V error (fault message)
The controller has detected a fault in the +24 V supply.
Cause 1: Defective control voltage bus cable.
Check and, if necessary, replace the control voltage bus cable or plug connector.
Cause 2: Overload in the 24 V voltage supply.
Check the 24 V voltage supply in the power supply module.
Cause 3: Defective supply module.
RemedyCheck the power supply module (see Applications Manual for supply module).
Cause 4: Short in the E-stop circuit.
Check the E-stop circuit for shorting.

±10 V error (fault message)
The supply voltage to the current sensors is faulty.
Defect in the drive controller.
Replace the drive controller.

+8 V error (fault message)
The supply voltage to the encoder systems is faulty.
Short-circuit in motor encoder cable or in cable for external encoders.
Check cables and replace, if necessary.

Power supply to driver stage. (fault message)
The voltage supply to the driver stages is faulty.
Defect in the drive controller.
Replace drive controller.

Pattern data transmission time invalid (fault message)
The pattern calculator is not sending the pattern data synchronously to the lead axis position.
Wrong trigger signals for sending pattern data.
Check trigger signal (consult NC control unit manufacturer).

Number of transmitted pattern data invalid (fault message)
Too few or no pattern data have been transmitted.
Cause 1: Faulty connection between pattern calculator and control card.
Check the connection between pattern calculator and control card.
Cause 2: Velocity of lead axis is excessive.
Reduce the velocity of the lead axis.

Absolute encoder error (fault message)
When a DDS with absolute encoder motor (multiturn) is switched off, the instantaneous actual position is stored. When the unit is powered up again, this position is compared with the position detected by the absolute encoder evaluation. If the deviation is outside the parametrized absolute encoder monitoring window P-0-0097, the above error message is generated and signalled to the NC control unit.
Cause 1: Initial start-up (stored position invalid).
Clear error (set reference dimensions).
Cause 2: While shut down, the axis was moved outside the permissible range as parametrized in the absolute encoder monitoring window P-0-0097.
Before clearing the fault, check whether a start-up command will cause any damage.
If no damage is possible, then the fault may be cleared.
Cause 3: Erroneous position initialization (feedback defective).
Danger of uncontrolled axis movement!
Check the reference dimension. If this is erroneous, then the feedback is defective. Replace the motor (see relevant Applications Manual for replacing motor).

Velocity loop error (fault message)
If, when the velocity loop is active, the difference between the velocity command value and the feedback value is greater than 10% of the maximum motor speed, the velocity feedback value should alter to approach the command value. If this has not happened after 10 milliseconds, the system will shut down while signalling an error to the power supply module.
Cause 1 : Motor cable wrongly connected.
Check the motor cable connection.
Cause 2: Defective drive controller power section.
Replace the drive controller.
Cause 3: Feedback is defective.
Replace the motor (see relevant Applications Manual).
Cause 4: Wrong velocity loop parametrization.
Check the velocity loop according to the Applications Manual.

Program RAM error (fault message)
The memory blocks in the drive controller are checked during initialization. If an error is detected, the above message will be signalled.
Hardware error in the controller.
Replace the controller.

Data RAM error (fault message)
The memory blocks in the drive controller are checked during initializaton. Ifan error is detected, the above message will be signalled.
Hardware error in the drive controller.
Replace the drive controller.

Error reading drive data (fault message)
The operating software reads data from an EEPROM in the drive controller during initialization. If this is not successful, the above message will be generated.
Hardware error in the drive controller.
Replace the drive controller.

Drive data invalid (fault message)
Hardware error.
Replace the drive controller.

Error while writing to parameter memory (fault message)
The parameter memory in the programing module will not accept data.
1. Save the parameter set in the programming module.
2. Replace the software module.
3. Transfer the parameter set to the new module.

Parameter data invalid (fault message)
During the controller initialization phase, one or more parameters in the software module were found to be invalid.
Cause1: The software module was not initialized before, or the operating software EEPROMs in the software module have been changed.
Start the operator interface (see application manual) and call up each of the submenus in the "PARAMETERS" menu. Invalid parameters are indicated by "***". Enter new parameters for these items.
Cause 2: Hardware fault in the software module.
Replace the software module.

Error reading motor data (fault message)
All motor data are stored in a data memory in the motor feedback. An error has occurred while reading these data.
Cause 1: Defective motor feedback cable.
Check motor feedback cable and replace, if necessary.
Cause 2: Defective motor feedback.
Replace motor (see relevant replacement documentation).

Motor data invalid (fault message)
Defective motor feedback.
Replace motor (see relevant replacement documentation).

Error while writing motor data (fault message)
An error has been detected while writing data to the motor feedback.
Cause 1: Defective motor feedback cable.
Check motor feedback cable and replace, if necessary.
Cause 2: Defective motor feedback.
Replace motor (see relevant documentation).

Configuration error (fault message)
Cause 1: Software and hardware configurations do not match.
Check the drive controller against its configuration data sheet and replace software or hardware, if necessary.
Cause 2: Plug-in module defective, not installed or not properly inserted.
Check the plug-in modules.

Absolute encoder not calibrated (fault message)
The parameter "reference position" and/or "counting direction" in the menu "ABSOLUTE ENCODER PARAMETER" could not be read.
Cause 1: These parameters have not yet been entered.
Enter or confirm parameters.
Cause 2: Defective DSF feedback.
Replace motor (see relevant documentation)

DLC watchdog error, no communication with DLC possible (fault message)
The drive controller monitors that the DLC is operating correctly. If the processor system of the DLC is out of synchronization with the drive contoller's processors, error no. 93 will be generated in the DKS.
Defective DLC card.
Replace DLC card. If the error is still present after the DLC card has been replaced, replace the DKS.