Campeche State
City of Campeche
Sights to See
Spanish Class
Guest Book
Photo Gallery



Mexico has been the country of preference of thounsands of smart tourists, not only from the United States, but from around the world, because it offers everything the visitor likes: beaches, sun, colonial cities, modern cities, archaeological zones, forests, and much more, so the possibilities are endless!


Many states of Mexico offer even more than one of those places visitors come looking for. Campeche is the clearest example of this: it has coast in the Gulf of Mexico, so it has beautiful beaches; it is a colonial city, so it has beautiful colonial buildings; Tower from the wall of Campecheit was the site of the mayan culture, so it has many impressive pyramids around the state. And of course, you can also find a part of the city of Campeche that is modern but preserving the colonial buildings!


 This website was made thinking of the thousands of English-speaking tourists who every year visit Campeche (or any other Mexican State) without knowing a word of Spanish!


I have happened to find americans in Campeche who do not speak Spanish, and still have lots of fun, partly because most tourist establishments in Campeche (hotels, restaurants, archaeological zones, etc.) have bilingual personnel in Spanish and English.

But sometimes it is necessary to be able to communicate with people who do not speak your language, and in those cases, even a few words of Spanish could make a big difference!


That's why I decided to include a mini online-dictionary with the most useful words and phrases in Spanish, along with basic information about the state of Campeche. I have also included links to web sites where you could get more information about Campeche, and other states of Mexico.


Of course I could never cover the whole dictionary here, so if you need to know a specific word or phrase in Spanish, don't hesitate in sending me an e-mail, and I will reply with the word or the phrase and its pronunciation. I promise!


When you start to plan your vacations do not forget to come back here and check the basic words in Spanish you should know before you leave your home, and the places you could visit in Campeche, and of course give a call to a travel agency specialized in trips to Latin America, where you will find the best deals in trips to Latin America, and more information about the places you could be interested in.



See you in Campeche!

Copyright © 2008 Abraham Sancen