How To Update Your Charts and Notices to Mariners

This Web Site Has Information on Chart & Notice to Mariners Updates

is maintained by an enterprising physics doctoral candidate sailor who has parced the Navigation Center Local Notice to Mariners data by chart number for Districts 1 and 5. He is continuing the project and is wondering if this is useful to others and is asking for your participation. His name is Ken Olum, email


-----NAVINFONET BBS, Washington, D.C.----

A manual is available on the BBS.

Configure your modem and just follow the instructions.


Configure your modem to 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit, full duplex.

If that gives unreadable characters, try again at 8 data bits, and no parity.

Dial (inside the USA) 1-301-227-5295 if you have a 1200 baud modem.

If calling from outside the USA, you'll have to figure out how to reach phone numbers in the USA near Washington, D.C. and adjust these numbers accordingly.

If you have a 2400 baud modem, the number is 227-4360.

If it is a 9600 baud modem, call 227-4424.

Please note: NIMA will NOT, under ANY circumstances, pay your calling charges. You are responsible for any charge necessary to reach these numbers.

When you dial in, you will get the prompt "CONNECT". Type

"?LOGIN ANMS" and return.

The system will prompt you "Enter User ID:" Type in my ID: "D5RPS". I would ask that you establish your own account if you find this BBS useful. But feel free to use my account while you are deciding.

The system displays a paragraph or two of information and then prompts you with "Enter Selection Number or 98 for Menu".

Type "98" and the system will display its main menu.


Lt. Bob Goley,
AP, Rockville (Md.) PS, D5

Nautical Cartographer, NIMA


You can also Get Your Own User ID for the NIMA BBS.

To access the NAVINFONET send a request for user I.D to:

Navigation Division/NAVINFONET Staff
ST D 44
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
4600 Sangamore Road
Bethesda, MD 20816-5003


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