O Místico e o Oculto.... Descubra a si mesmo.... Penso logo.... Decifra-me ou te devoro.... Aqui e Agora... Transcedência... Consciência...

Você quer Saber o que Tem de Mais Avançado em Busca Espiritual no Brasil e no Mundo...
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Contato em Puna (India)

Aqui estão dicas, experiências, roteiros e tudo mais... até um diário e um pouco e se?, porque?, e se não?!

Onde está a sua busca?!??. e a quanto anda a sua inquietude.. ?!!!

Bom a questão é a seguinte... Quando se tem casa, carro, filho, algum dinheiro, e já se envolveu em  relacionamentos, tramas,  poder e etc e tal... chega a um ponto onde  logo se começa a querer viajar... Miami, Disney é um bom começo, comprar raquete de tênis, Jaquetas do Hard Rock Cafe, são consequências naturais...   tomar um banho de europa, casaco de pele, castelos encantados, Louvre, Falar linguas, jóias, peles,etc e tal e sem dúvida tirar 200 mil fotos também faz parte...

e ai... depois de muitos e muitos séculos, seculorum... talvez ... quiça... quem sabe... chega-se a pensar em India...

  Ir a India...(ôpa... agora chega-se a se pensar .. O que uma pessoa vai buscar na India!?!?!?). O  que me faz querer ir lá?

Pode se ir lá para curtir um bom lazer a baixo custo... Por que não? Hotel razoável por US$5,00 , almoço em restaurante a la carte por US$2,00 (entrada, prato principal e sobremesa e um refrigerante), percurso de taxi por US$1,00 coisas assim...Isso sem contar percursos colossais (acima 1000 km) de trem ou ônibus por US$3,00.   tirando o ticket de avião Brasil-India que é caro... o resto é lucro....Esses valores são valores são  (ano1998). E para os mais sofisticados... pode-se jantar num hotel 5 estrelas.. com todas as mesuras ocidentais por US$15,00... Demais!, não é?

Pode se ir lá para superar os amigos... Nada mais chique que contar aos amigos, (pobres de espírito que conhecem só Paris e Nova York ), dos templos sagrados ou dos contrastes culturais... isso sem falar em poder falar  na paixão, vexame ou no asco que sentiu quando viu isso ou aquilo... A cobra subindo..  O faquir e os espinhos... o morto boiando no rio.. Tanta gente sem nada, gente dormindo pela rua que não sobrou espaço pra vc caminhar na calçada..e tantas mais...

E que  tal os espiritualóides... Aqueles buscadores da verdade suprema, que vivem ao aroma do incenso, sons dos  mantrans, cristais energizadores, roupas com cores e formas captadoras de bons fluidos. Para aquele que tudo   é  místico. Para aquele que tudo e absolutamente tudo faz parte de uma coincidência, já leu profecia Celestina, Paulo Coelho, Mãos de luz, Krishnamurti, Gurdjief, Huberto Roden. Fez Nova Acrópole, Rosa Cruz, Maçonaria, Gnose Mestres acensos .. acredita que tudo é dentro e nada é fora, em anjo, Papai Noel e outros bichos. Frequentadores de carteirinha de palestras e espaços esotéricos . Tem necessidade de silêncio e de ajudar e amar o seu próximo etc e tal...

Se vc tem alguma destas características, ou todas... vc está absolutamente certo... Chegou a hora de vc ir e ou saber mais da Índia....

Vc me diria... nossa!!! que deboche!!!, se vc é um buscador   porque satiriza falando de espiritualóides, superar amigos e aproveitar da situação do baixo custo da India?...é só uma brincadeirinha... pois já aprendi que de médico e louco todo mundo tem um pouco. E que de irrealidade e realidade são as nossas buscas...

Estou construindo este Site... No momento vou colocar algo inédito na rede... algo que procurei e não encontrei quando quiz ir para India pela primeira vez.... um quadro sinóptico de tudo que existe

Se vou a uma busca espiritual... o que existe??? Existe algum guru??? algum iluminado??? espaço alternativo onde possa ficar e aprender aos pés de um mestre vivo... ou comunidade alternativa...? Onde e quantas são?

Esses endereços que vou publicar foram fornecidos por uma Jornalista brasileira que trabalhava em Nova York, que conheci coincidentemente quando estava em Poona (India).... sei que foi extraido de um livro.. mas não sei o nome... acho que é "Travels through sacred India" ou algo assim.

Por hora, o texto que tenho está em Inglês ...mas logo em breve vou traduzir para o portuquês. Para todos que tiverem outros endereços de locais místicos, de mestres, de comunidades, favor enviar email para mim para que eu possa fazer aqui um compêndio geral...  a pessoa que aqui visitar terá assim uma visão geral do que existe, o que cada um destes lugares oferece e assim poder selecionar e ir de encontro com a sua necessidade...Comentários são bem vindos...mas saibam: "os que já estão publicados aqui, são os grandes centros... que recebem um fluxo grande de estrangeiros e que possuem estruturas como acomodação, alimentação)

Quando pensei em ir a India.. imaginava que chegaria numa cidadezinha e diria .. quem é o mestre aqui? Onde tem uma comunidade onde possa sentar  ao lado de um guru e receber seus ensinamentos? Descobri na prática que as coisas não são assim.... India é um grande país.. e embora seja um país totalmente religioso, não é em qualquer esquina que se encontram gurus... existem sim em cada esquina alguém repetindo um trecho religioso aqui e outro ali, mas alguém original, de idéias próprias e uma compreensão abrangente.... somente poucos.... e que realmente se afine com o seu grau de compreensão muito poucos...

O que eu "REX" fui e  conheço são:

Osho Commune.. Comunidade do mestre Osho existe página internet que fala especifiamente sobre a comunidade programações e Eventos que lá   acontecem. Um conglomerado de tudo que existe no mundo sobre terapias altenativas, curas, amor e consciência que eu conheço. Osho India

Dalai Lama - Dharamsala. Para quem assistiu "7 anos no Tibet"... sabe que o Dalai Lama lider politico religioso pediu asilo na India... e se encontra atualmente num vilarejo chamado Dharamsala, No norte da India. Este vilarejo agrupa além do Dalai Lama, um grupo de Monges e famílias tibetanas. Lá se pratica várias técnicas  e preceito milenares dos tibetanos...

Vipassana Goenka... Um sábio senhor que ensina a prática de meditação que buda deixou em seus ensinamentos... O Vipassana... O sentar em silêncio, olhos fechados observando a respiração.. Método altamente transformador. Existe páginas na internet. Existe um grupo no Brasil que lidera este tipo de prática. Existe também  dezenas de centros na India. Clique aqui paraVipassana no Brasil

Sathia Sai Baba... O mestre que recebe centenas  de pessoas diariamente, Conhecido por suas curas e materializações.

Kiran. Mestre Guru que fala no jardim de sua casa para buscadores. Não tão conhecidos .. grande proximidade do mestre.. de fazer perguntas diretas e receber ensinamentos. Não está relacionado aqui seu endereço, mas reside em Poona, India. Incrível infomação.. Kiran esta vindo aqui em São Paulo no começo de maio deste ano (1999), se alguém se interessar em saber mais..mande email para mim.. Rex

Tyo Har.. Mestre Israelense que viaja e prega na India e em muitas outras partes do Mundo.. Ouvi muitas de suas palestras e Satsangs. Veja o site dele na internet: http://www.tyohar.org/frame.htm


Sathia Reiki Communion.. Comunidade de Reiki, se ensina e pratica reiki e troca-se reiki entre os membros.

Vi e participei de muitos outros mas por ter nada ou quase nada de informações de seus endereços melhor nem mencionar... Mas se tiver alguma questão ... email me



A)Contribuições de amigos e visitantes desta Home Page...

Mestre Advaita Vedanta (não dualidade) que tem 81 anos e vive em Bombain. O nome dele é Ramesh Balsekar e ele dá satsang todos os dias na casa dele a partir das 10:00hs da manhã. Visite Home page: http://advaita.org  endereço: Ramesh Balsear, "Sindhula House"N. Gamadia Road - bombay, India. 400 026 Phone 492-7725 contribuição de Swami Nirav Kanan e João Maurício

Mestre Jnani, totalmente iluminado(aquele que realizou o self) de 82 anos. Nome: Ajja(Grandfather)- c/o Srinath, 3B Chitrakut Apartments- 57,18th Cross Malleswaram, Bangalore 650055, India Tel 011-91-80-3344536 Contribição de  Swami Nirav Kanan e João Maurício

B) Coletânia de Nomes e endereços conseguidos com a Jornalista de Nova York...


Most ashrams accept donations for room and board, a typical offering being around 100 rupees daily. The Krishnamurti centres have set fe es, which differ little from the normal donation. Aurobindo Ashram guest houses have set fees for room oflly, as do the Aurovilie communities. Osho International Com-mune has no accommodation. They charge a daily entrance plus aids test fee, and a scale of Western prices for their different courses.

Ananda Ashram

P.O~ Anandasram, Kanhangad Dt, Kasaragod, North Kerala 670531. The ashram of the late Papa Ram Dass, who was never separate from the Holy Name of Ram. Chanting of the Name continues there today. Accommodation available. Guests may follow their own rhythm and spiritual discipline.

Aurobindo Ashram

Pondichery, Tamil Nadu. The ashram's different cultural and educational activities are spread throughout the town, with the mam point of interest being the mahasamadhi shrine of Aurobindo and his successor, The Mother. A variety of guest houses accommodate visitors. The best are Park Guest House (telephone 024 412) and The International Guest House (telephone 026 699).


Auro ville

The 'experiment in international living' founded and inspired by The Mother, a few kilometres north of Pondichery. A few thousand people live there now in different small communities, many of them subsisting through alternative technology enterprises. The spiritual and physical centre of Aurovule is the Matri Mandir, an unflnished medltation haíl in the form of a huge dodecahedron, twelve-sided sphere. The mam place to stay is Centrefield Guest House, telephone 2155. Most of the cornmunities also have guest rooms. Further detajís from the Matri Mandir Information Centre.


Avatar Meher Baba Trust

King's Rd, Post Bag 31, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra 414 001. Meher Baba was the guru who observed silence for most of his life, and who was made popular in the West in the late 1960s by celebrity disdples like Pete Townsend of The Who. Foreigners are welcome to the centre only between June 15 and March 15. The Meher Baba Pilgrim Centre can accommodate 58 people, with men and women sleeping separately. Three meals a day are provided. Pilgrims can reserve in advance for up to one week's stay, though no bookings are taken more than six weeks before arrival. Modest clothing is essential. Meher Baba's tomb, at Meherbad, is open for darshan daily from 6.30am to 8pm.

Silence is essential. The Master's home is at Meherazad, nearby. The nearest mam town is Ahmednagar, north of Bombay.


Chandra Swami

Sadhana Kendra, Domet Vilíage, P.O. Ashok Ashram, Dt

Dehra Dun 248125 U.P. Visitors must be willing to meditate

four hours daily.


Ma Amritanadamayi

M. A. Math, Kuzhithura P.O. (Via Athinand>, Quilon Dt, Kerala 690542. Guests are invited to participate in the daily ashram routine, which begins at 5am with chanting, and includes three group meditations and a hour of work. When she is there, Ammachi sits for darshan daily. From Quilon get a busitaxi to Vallickavu Jetty and take the ferry across to the ashram.

Ma Ananda Mayi Ma

Ashrams in the memory of this great saint exist in many towns throughout índia. Her mahasamadhi shrine is in the ashram at Khankal, near Haridwar, Urtar Pradesh. No accommodation available, though there is a dharmsala in the viliage.


Cio Andhra Ashram, Ramanashram P.O., Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. Nanagaru is always on the move, though he is likely to be found at this address in the sunirner and rainy season, and letters there will reach him. No accommodation available.

Osho Communa International

17 Koregaon Park, Poona, 411011 Mahashtra. Telephone

0091 212628562, Fax 0091 212624181.

The Osho Commune offers a wide variety of courses in personal therapy, body work, and medita tion. No accommodation is available. Visitors must pay up to 200 rupees for an Aids test before being admitted. Maroon robes must be worn at all tirnes on the property. The Commune has excellent restaurants, and various sports and recreation facilities.

H. W L. Poonja (Poonjaji)

201144A Indira Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226016. Anyone in Lucknow will teIl you where the district of Ind ira Na gar is, and anyone there can direct you to Poonjaji. Poonjaji holds satsangs for two hours most weekday rnornings in his own house. Visitors can turn up and enquire there about places to stay, which are often rented out by long-term disciples. There is no ashram.

Ramakrishna Mission:

The Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Calcutta 700029. Telephone 033 741 303/4/5. A cultural and educational centre with a fine library, daily lectures and other events. Accommodation available.


Satya Sai Baba:

The best known of ali gurus in índia has his mam ashram in Shanti Nilayam, at Puttaparthi, five hours by bus from Bangalore. There is no need to book; accommodation is in dormitories and in 'flats' which house three or four people. What you get depends on availability. The mam feature of the day is darshan in the early morning vvith Sai Baba. There is a canteen serving Western food as well as an Indian canteen. At least several thousand devotees are in the ashram at any one time. Sai Baba usually goes to bis smaller ashram at Kodaikanal, in the Nilgiri Hílís, southern Tamil Nadu, during the hot season of AprilIMay. He also visits Whitefields, his ashrarn in Bangalore, at various times. To know where he is, and for information on the other ashrams, contact Puttaparthi by telephoning 08555 7375/7236, or faxing 08555 7390.

Shirdi Sai Baba:

The shrine of Shirdi Sai Baba in the viliage of Shirdi, in Maharashtra, is one of India's most popular plígrimages. Shirdi is a six-hour bus ride from Poona. Also in Shirdi is Sarath Babuji, a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba who is likely to become widely known as a guru in his own right in the next decade. He is at Saipatham Ashram, Pimpalwadi Road, Shirdi, Dt. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Accommodation not available at the ashram, but there are plenty of dharmsalas in the viliage.

Shivananda Ashram:

Shivananda P.O., Rishikesh, U.P. This ashram holds regular programmes in yoga and in studies of classic texts like the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Ii has a large number of guest rooms in apartment blocks, but these are often fuíl with

long-term students. Swamis Krishnananda, Brahmananda, and Chidananda, all of whom were dose disciples of Shivananda, are in residence at the ashram. If you wish to stay, it is essential to write and explam your interests and reasons. Casual visitors to Rishikesh are better off staying at Ved Niketan - see below.


Sri Ramanasramam:

Tiruvannamalai 606 603, Tamil Nadu. Telephone 23292/22491.

The ashram of Rama na Maharshi on the slopes of Arunachala.

Essential to write beforehand for accommodation, which even

then cannot be guaranteed.

Ved Niketan:

On the other side of the Ganges river from Shivananda Ashram, this is where most travellers stay. The enterprising old Swami there collected funds to start building more than 20 years ago, and now has a property with more than 100 rooms around a large open courtyard, which are let out almost exclusivelyto foreigners at approximately 50 rupees a day. There is no food available, and the place is uncared for, since he won't employ people to do even the routine tasks of cleaning the rooms; nevertheless, it is a mellow place right on the river, with a good atmosphere. In the winter months he has someone teach yoga classes, which is practically the only detail that distinguishes Ved Niketan from any other cheap hotel.


Krishnamurtí Centres

These are all set in beautiful surroundings, offering a haven for the senous retreatant. While information and material is available on Krishnamurti's teaching, there is no formal pattem that needs to be followed, and guests are expected to conduct their own retreat. Reservation is essential.


Bangalore Education Centre, 'Haridvanam', Bangalore 560062.

Telephone 080 8435.



Krishnamurti Study Centre: Rajghat Fort, Banaras.

Telephone 330218.



Cio Vijendra Ramola, Bagirathi Valley School, Dunda P.O. Dt

Uttarkashi, Uttar Pradesh. Telephone 01374 81206/81217.



Bodhi Zendo

Amo Sarny, Bodhi Zendo, Perumal Malai, Kodaikanal Hilís, Tamil Nadu 624108. Amo Samy teaches in Germany and Holland during the summer. The Bodhi Zendo zen Buddhism centre runs retreats from October to April.


Christopher Titmus and Friends

Ânnual winter Vipassana retreat at Bodhgaya. Information: cio

Thomas Jost, Bodhgaya P.O., Bodhgaya, Bihar. Filís quickly, 50

book early.


Tushita Retreat Centre

McLeod Ganj, 176219 Dharamsala, H.P. Telephone 01892 24966, Fax. 01892 23374 (mark f.a.o. Tushita>. Tushita holds regular introductory courses in Tibetan Buddhism. Accommodation available only for those on a course.

Goenka Centres

Vipassana Centre:

Dhamma Thali, PO. Box 208, Jaipur 302001, Rajasthan. Telephone 0141 49520.


Vipassana Internationai Academy:

Dhamma Giri, Igatipuri, 422 403, Maharashtra. Telephone

02533 4076, Fax. 02533 4176.


Vipassana International Meditation Centre:

Dharma Khetta, Nagarjun Sagar Rd, Kusum Nagar, Hyderabad

500661. Telephone 040530 290.




Aanmodhaya Ashfam:

De Maznod Nagar, Enathur Vilíage, Vedal P.O., Tamil Nadu

631552. Accommodation available.

Ghrista Prerna Seva Ashram:

Shivajinagar, Poona 411 005. The ashram is a courtyard round a luxuriant garden. Run by Sister Brigitta. an Anglican, and a Catholic, Sister Sarah Grant. Accommodation available throughout the year.

Jeevan Dhara Ashram:

Jaiharikhal, Garwhal Hilís 246139, Uttar Pradesh. Accommodation available in the summer months for serjous retreatants, but early booking is essential. You will be disappointed if you just tum Up 011 the offchance.

Mo/her Teresa and the Sisters ol Charity:

53 Lower Circular Road, Calcuita. Though the Sisters have houses in every town in índia, Calcutta is where Mother Teresa is based, and where most v~unteers come to work. To help at any of the numerous centres in Calcutta, arrive at the Mother House in Lower Circular Road by 6am, and you v,,il1 be allocated a task.

Saccidananua Ashram:

Shantivanam, Tanflirpaili P.O., 639107 Kulittalai, Tiruchi Dt, Tamil Nadu. Telephone 04323 3060. Accommodation avaílable, but reservation is needed in the winter months.  

Sadhana Institute:

Lonavala, Maharashtra. Founded by the late Anthony de

-MeIlo. This Jesuit centre runs courses combining spiritual practices with psychotherapeutic modeis and techniques. Accommodation available by prior arrangement. Lonavala is halfway between Poona and Bombay.

Share and Care Children 5' Weifare Society:

28 Arumugan Street, Perambur, Madras 11. This is the umbrella organisation for the work of Arokiasamy and his wife, described in the chapter on Christian índia. UndoubtedIy a worthy cause whose donors can be sure their money is wholly used for the purposes they send it for - a rare case in índia.



Dharamsala Local de Exílio dos Tibetanos e Dalai Lama (Texto em Inglês)

As the home of the Dalai Iama and the tibetan government in exile, and the starting point for some exhilarating treks into tile high Himalayas, DHARAMSAIÃ is Himachal's most irresistible destinations. As well as playing host to casual tourists a place of pilgrimage that attracts Buddhists and interested parties from all over the world, many of whom visit  India specifically in order to come here.

Spread across wooded ridges, beneath the stark rock  faces of Dhauladhar 150km east of Pathankot and 160km northwest of Mandi, Dharamsala is divided into two distinct and widely separated sections, which difler in height by almost a thousand metres. Originally a British hill station, the town has been transformed by the influx of   refugees fleeing Chinese oppression in the Tibet they have been arriving ever since 1960,when their welcome, here and elsewhere, by the Indian government owed  much to their propaganda value at the time of great tension between índia and China.

Most tibetans now live in McIeodganj, the upper town and the real heart of Dharamsala, where monks and nuns can always be seen strolling through lanes lined with trading stalls and restaurants. Their achievements include tile creation of temples, schools, monasteries, nunneries, and meditation centres, and an excellent library of Tibetan history and rellgion. However, some tourists arrive in Mcleodganj anticipating  a little Lhasa", and are disappointed. The tibetan influence is strong, but Dharammla remains Indian, with a substanfial community of Hindus and Sikhs.

Despite heavy snows and low temperatures between December and March McLeodganj receives visitors year round. The summer bringstorrential rains that  linger in dribs and drabs for much of the year; even then, the days may be hot, but you'II need warm clothes for the chilly nights.


Arrival and information

Buses from Mandi, Patnankot, Kangra and Delhi puil into tne bus stand in the very south of tne lower town. 'lhe nearest point of arrival for trains from Delhi, Punjab and Jamu Tawai is Patnankot, while the narrow-gauge train up from Jogindernagar terrfl~ nates at Kangra. It's also possible to get here by air: tnree weekly ffights leave he airport, 11km south of iown at Gaggal, for Delhi via Chandigarh.The tourist office (Mon-Sat lOam-5pm.), stocked witn information on accommodation and transport, is at ine foot of tne maln bazaar in tne lower town, just a few minutes' walk from tne bus stand. For enquiries about the ~betan sefflement, cail in at the welfare Office on Bhagsu Rd in Mcíeodganj, where donations of clothes, books, blankets and pens for new tibetan arrivais are always gratefully accepted.

Mcíeodganj's post office, on Jogibari Rd ~on-Fri 9am-Spm, Sat 9am-3.30pm), has a posie restante counter that holds letters for up to a month. I£tters not addressed to Mcíeodganj end up in tne GPO (same hours), a steep 1km out of the lower tow~ ~ii> telephones are widely available. 'lhe State Bank oundia in Mcíeodganj (Mon-Fri lOani-2pm) sometimes refuses to change particular traveliers' cheques; the branch in lower Dharamsala is more cooperative (also open Sat lOamnoon). 'lhe Bask a' Baroda, in the lower town, issues money to Visa card holders, with a few days' delay. 

The Iower town

It's easy to see why most visitors bypass Dharamsala's Lower town, a haphazard jumbie of shops, offices and houses. Although it holds ine tourist ofice and banks, the only place of interest is the small Museum of Kangra Art (Tue~Sun l0am-5pm), and even that, with its scanty collection of Kangra miniatures, supplemented by some modern art, merits the briefest of visits.


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