The Guestbook Visitors of miji

Number of Guests: 21

  Visitor: Donald aka So Nice
Reference: HCU
   Origin: Ewa Beach, Hawaii
 URL Info: 
Date: November 10, 1996

Comments: Hello Miji!!! So Nice!

  Visitor: Frans Wartenberg
Reference: You stated  the addr. on HCU
   Origin: Denmark
  WebSite: Frans Wartenberg
 URL Info: Mine...
Date: November 10, 1996

Comments: I like this page... Nice layout, great animations... and most important: Fast to load ! A work of art! (Keep updating it never the less!)

  Visitor: Derrick
Reference: my friend cheryl told me to come here. 
   Origin: Oahu, Kaneohe, Hawaii
  WebSite: Derrick's Homepage
 URL Info: it's about me
Date: November 09, 1996

Comments: Hi Cheryl, You're a great friend and you are so funny. I am lucky and glad to have met you as my friend on the HCU. Thanx for calling me sometimes to talk. I'll always be here for you whenever you need a friend to talk to so don't be a stranger ! *S* Well take care and talk to you later. Lots of hugs. Love, Derrick (BLACK JACK)

  Visitor: Benny ( KLIMPEN)
Reference: I met you on HCU a while ago
   Origin: SWEDEN (in europe)
 URL Info: don't finished yet
Date: November 08, 1996

Comments: Hi hope you remember me. hmmm.... fat chance. Well i met you on the chat some time ago. it was really late at night i remember and you where sitting in your bed with your laptop. I hope you excuse my bad spelling but i'm doing my best. I would be so glad if you please could send me an E-mail some time. to refresh your memory: I'm a guy from a small country called SWEDEN in the northern part of europe. When i don't work at ERICSSON RADIOSYSTEM i enjoy Windsurfing if you remember me telling you. BYE for now hope to hear from you soon

  Visitor: Corum
Reference: Beamed down
   Origin: Space
  WebSite: Corum's Celestial Universe
 URL Info: spacey
Date: November 06, 1996

Comments: Hiya miji, Sorry about your guestbook, happened to me to! Lpage sucks!*L* So how are ya little lady? I wish the best for you always and that you succeed in life.*hugs* Take care always. Love, Corum

  Visitor: Mr.Sleepyhead
Reference: jus' foolin' around
   Origin: that depends...who you ask =)
 URL Info: 
Date: November 06, 1996

Comments: Hello again... do you know who i am? well i know that you do so that is fine... oh well your page is pretty cool... gotta get to school...good bye =)

  Visitor: Brandon Endo
   Origin: Mililani, Hawaii
 URL Info: 
Date: November 06, 1996

Comments: Hello your page is pretty cool. Your movies are too romantic. He he. Well that's it so ba-byee!!!

  Visitor: Stevo
Reference: HCU
   Origin: Kaneohe, HI
  WebSite: none
 URL Info: 
Date: November 04, 1996

Comments: talking to you right now on HCU and decided to check out your page........I like the talking smiley face.....seeeeeeeya, stevo

  Visitor: Sunshine
Reference: I was invited!
   Origin: California
  WebSite: Attitude is Everything
 URL Info: Positive Thinking
Date: November 04, 1996

Comments: Hello! It's me finally! I just wanted to publicly thank you for all the time you shared with me, whether on the phone, through e-mail or in HCU, without it, our friendship would not have been possible. =) I look forward to building on our friendship, it's rare to find an individual as sweet and genuine as you. *smile* Thanks for being my friend (and everyone else's)! *lol* I know you have enough to go around! Stay special!

Your friend,

  Visitor: Ylva Alm
Reference: by you
   Origin: Sweden
 URL Info: 
Date: October 30, 1996

Comments: IŽm happy to be your friend.......maybe weŽll meet someday.......somewhere on this planet......I do HOPE(ful)

  Visitor: Michael Wuth
Reference: Miji showed me the light
   Origin: Canberra, Australia
  WebSite: Smudge's Home Page
 URL Info: It's my cats so ask her : )
Date: October 30, 1996

Comments: Miji is a great person and deserves all the praise she gets : )

  Visitor: Maya Richards
Reference: From your HP
   Origin: Aiea, Hawaii
  WebSite: Maya's Homepage
 URL Info: My wittle homepage!!
Date: October 30, 1996

Comments: Hiya Miji!! *hugz* Sorry your GB got lost again! I know how you feel!! Well, I'm in school right now so I don't wanna get caught....Hehe...Talk to you later, babes! Bye!! Love and Aloha...

  Visitor: Kjell Marcusson
Reference: HCU
   Origin: Sweden
 URL Info: 
Date: October 30, 1996

Comments: Cool homepage! Hope you'll send me an e-mail

  Visitor: GeniusNightmare@work
Reference: Bookmarked your page *hug*
   Origin: The Netherlands
  WebSite: Nightmare's Home Page
 URL Info: Horror fans will love my page's
Date: October 29, 1996

Comments: Hello miji !!!!

Like your pages dear friend !!! *hugs and a kiss* see ya !!

  Visitor: Dave Gallagher (DEDN420)
Reference: clicked your name on hcu
   Origin: California
  WebSite: none
 URL Info: 
Date: October 29, 1996

Comments: You should mail me sometime. Cool page, maybe you could help me set one up. Talk to ya later!

  Visitor: Princess Jennifer
Reference: your link!
   Origin: Memphis, Tennessee
  WebSite: Jennifer!
 URL Info: It's cool! *Grin*
Date: October 28, 1996

Comments: Hiya! *smile* Cool page! I look forward to seeing whatcha've done with the place!

  Visitor: Ke'ala @}-'-,---
Reference: Flying in the Sky
   Origin: O'ahu, Hawai'i
  WebSite: Come Visit Me....*S*
 URL Info: 'Ano Hawai'i
Date: October 28, 1996

Comments: Hiyah Sweet Little Miji....*Smirking* How yah doing girl...*Huge Hugz* Miss yah girl! Thanks for being such a sweet friend. You are one we can all depend on for anything. Thanks for all the advice you gave me, but especially being there as a friend and a sister. You deserve every happiness this world has to offer. You & Mike were one of the first people I met and you guys have been wonderful...I love you guys and your friendships are cherished ALWAYS!!! Love you girl!!! *Special Hugz* I'm always here for you...remember that always!!! Love Yah Like a Sis, Ke'ala @}-'-,---

  Visitor: Sharon *angel*
Reference: flew right on by *L*
   Origin: California
  WebSite: Angel's Heavenly House
 URL Info: It's kewl!
Date: October 27, 1996

Comments: Hi hon! *hug* your is so cute...just like you Im sure *S*..glad to have met you..and am looking forward to meeting you in RT real soon..we'll have a blast! Wish you all the luck in the whatever you do....take care and God bless!!! Love ya!!! *hugs*

  Visitor: s.N.O.w.
Reference: Miji Fan Club
   Origin: Sweden
  WebSite: Outerspace
 URL Info: 
Date: October 27, 1996

Comments: Aloha Miji... Wazz up in your World??? Please drop me a line some day.... And my the way Miji Fan Club is going down... Sames the sever didnŽt like there service... Okey, See ya in HCU or Chathouse.... A hui hou aku s.N.O.w.

  Visitor: klimpen
Reference: by talking to you on a chat (you remembe
   Origin: sweden
  WebSite: none yet
 URL Info: 
  Contact: none yet
Date: October 27, 1996

Comments: nice to see that some web's are really great. see you *kiss*

  Visitor: Prince Guardian
Reference: Surfed on in...  after being told to...
   Origin: Honolulu, Hawaii
  WebSite: Guardian's Fortress
 URL Info: Links and stuff...  if I ever finish it.
Date: October 26, 1996

Comments: Here I am signing another guestbook of yours, but this one should be more permanent now. I just want to say thank you for being such a great friend, and always being there for me no matter what. Even though we sometimes have our disagreements, I know that you will always be there for me through the good times and the bad, just as I would be for you. *smile* Keep up the good work with your homepage. It is looking great!!

Pergatory Guestbook Systems
Copyright 1996 Pergatory/WebDesign Systems Inc.
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