Welcome to Miji's Guestbook

Please Sign it.

First page of the Guestbook

Hi miji...

When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand

and nothing, no nothing is going right;

close your eyes and think of me and

soon I will be there

to brighten up even your darkest nights

You just call out my name

and you know wherever I am, I'll come running...

to see you again.

Love that tune...........
Albie <awong@iper.net>
S Giovanni in M, RN Italy - Thursday, February 13, 1997 at 20:14:14 (MET)

Hey there miji! I haven't seen u in a while! I miss you!!!!! Will you pwease go and sign my guestbook? since I'm being so nice...as i always am...and signing yours??? *puppy dawg eyes* =) anyway, you're a cool gal and I love ya lotz n lotz! Have a happ y day!

Lois <kirkstarry@rmci.net>
Boise, ID USA - Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 18:24:22 (MET)
Miji, Long time no see. Remember me?? Nice Homepage. Maybe I'll see you sometime soon on Hawaii.

STRETCH <the_tall_one@oocities.com>
USA - Thursday, February 06, 1997 at 01:23:26 (MET)
DAYTON, TX USA - Friday, January 24, 1997 at 03:33:31 (MET)
Hi there,
Well I just came back from hawaii, and it is a baeutiful state. I was goign ot school in Hilo. I was really disapointed that I had to leave, but things really didn't work out for me there. I hope that everyting works out fo royu, and enjoy hawaii!:->
Tigger <hijenks@sdcoe.k12.ca.us>
lakeside, ca USA - Friday, January 24, 1997 at 03:29:56 (MET)
Hey MIJI!!!!!!!!!.....I can't believe I have not signed this yet!*L* Ohh well see ya later!
BÜ££DÖG <clyde@telis.org>
"Clear"lake, CA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 01:46:49 (MET)
Enjoyed your page alot...Maybe you could give me ideas about improving my homepage
chris(crazyguy8) <crazyguy8@hotmail.com>
Toronto, on Canada - Saturday, January 18, 1997 at 22:51:28 (MET)
Hi miji! Sorry I haven't talked to you in awhile. I promise an email is on the way. By the way. If you want to email me, don't use the one above. I don't want just anyone emailing me.
Chillin Out <mcnpodehl@novagate.net>
Spring Lake, MI USA - Saturday, January 04, 1997 at 05:31:18 (MET)
hi jus drop by from hcu to say aloha!
lukela <lukela@ultranet.ca>
richmond, bc canada - Friday, January 03, 1997 at 10:38:23 (MET)

Happy New Year

M.I.K.E <mikael.sundberg@mdc.se>
Stockholm, SWEDEN - Thursday, January 02, 1997 at 13:52:33 (MET)
miji,,,,,Long time no see. How are you?, fine i hope.

How´s the weather in Hawaii?

It´s cold in Stockholm today -10 C , but the sun is shining

See ya


M.I.K.E <mikael.sundberg@mdc.se>
Stockholm, SWEDEN - Thursday, January 02, 1997 at 13:51:22 (MET)
Hey Miji!!*hugs* cute page!!=) catch you round.....Arachne
Arachne <spidergrrrrl@oocities.com>
Melbourne, Vic Australia - Wednesday, January 01, 1997 at 03:38:42 (MET)
hey wassup miji...very cool homepage. I think you are a cool person and don't ever change. Maybe someday we can finally meet. We talk at HCU...i love that place...talk to ya later...
Kona, HI USA - Monday, December 30, 1996 at 21:29:53 (MET)
Hi! Just came here to check this place out. It's amazing what fun you can have surfing other people's guestbooks! ;o)
Susie (CharlotteSometimes) <hik@hotmail.com>
Svendborg, Fyn Denmark - Monday, December 30, 1996 at 12:14:50 (MET)
Hi! Love your page!
Picard <abergand@hotmail.com>
Jamshog, Sweden - Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 14:23:59 (MET)
Just thought that I would drop in to say "hi". So "HI"
HUNGARIAN LOVE GOD <im2hot4you@hotmail.com>
Budapest, Hungary - Monday, December 16, 1996 at 21:44:11 (MET)
Miji, just love your page!!! Absolutely FAB! Soon we will be neighbours in Geocity
Bronte HCU!!

USA - Saturday, December 14, 1996 at 00:21:20 (MET)
just saw ya on hawaii chat and am checking out your page :)
jeff norwood <jeffreys@valinet.com>
greenfield, ma USA - Friday, December 13, 1996 at 01:44:43 (MET)
cool homepage!!!! it's sooo cool!!!! i love it!!!
anyways, just wanted to say hello and that i love your

Geo Guerrero <geyg8209@acad.kauaicc.hawaii.edu>
Lihue, HI USA - Friday, December 13, 1996 at 01:42:42 (MET)
hmm than pic takes along time to load get rid of it
c u

MICKE <epix@hotmail.com>
stockholm, sweden - Thursday, December 12, 1996 at 11:30:09 (MET)
Hi! came to say hi. u contructing good home. Might need your help when i build mine. see you. Take care.
Pakistan - Thursday, December 12, 1996 at 11:05:37 (MET)
Thoght I would drop a line to say hi.....Hi....:)
Carmen Pagano <wyatt@istar.ca>
Toronto, ON Canada - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 17:52:29 (MET)
We met briefly on Pow Wow. I just came across your home page. It looks great! Keep up the good work.
Rick Burton <rlburton@execulink.com>
St. Thomas , On Canada - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 07:42:24 (MET)
Here I am signing yet another guestbook since we seem to have no luck in keeping our guestbooks. *L* Anyways, as always, thank you for being such a wonderful part of my life, and being the best friend anyone could ever have. It is good to know that no matter what, good times or bad, you will always be there for me, whether I want you to be there or not, just as I will always be here for you.
Prince Guardian <princeguardian@oocities.com>
Pearl City, HI USA - Tuesday, December 10, 1996 at 21:58:57 (MET)
miji!!! How ya doing sis??? I figured I'd sign your book while I check s.N.O.w. 's work out..Looks ok!!! See ya in HCU!! You're the greatest!
Cherub <kmasceni@sophia.smith.edu>
Perth Amboy, NJ USA - Monday, December 09, 1996 at 21:47:11 (MET)
I´m first, I´m number 1... *LOL*
I love ya Miji...

s.N.O.w. <outerspace@truemax.se>
Malmo, Sweden - Monday, December 09, 1996 at 01:05:28 (MET)

Fill in the blanks below to add to Miji's guestbook. The only blanks that you have to fill in are the comments and name section. Thanks!

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Outerspace Guestbook created By The Outerspace Group Sweden
Copyright© 1996 And 1997.