Uditha Piyasena
Fall '94 to Spring '98 U. S. Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, CO
  B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
B.Sc. Mathematical Science

  • Dean's Honor List Fall '94 - Spring '98

  • Commandant's Honor List Spring '95 - Spring '96

  • Athletic Honor List Spring '98
Spring '99 to Fall 2000 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming
  M.Sc. Electrical Engineering
Work Experience
1998 - present Sri Lanka Air Force Sri Lanka
  Flying Officer
  • An Officer in the Aeronautical Engineering Wing of the SLAF

Spring 2000 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming
  Teaching Assistant
  • Teaching the Laboratory class for Microprocessors.
Fall 1999 - present University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming
  Research Assistant
  • Assist in conducting research and in maintaining/upgrading hardware in the University Hexapod Laboratory
Summer Jobs
1997 U.S. Air Force Dayton, OH
  Summer Research Internship
  • Assisted in conducting experiments in an Adaptive Interactive Multiple Model simulation for control systems.

Awards received
  • Graduate Assistantship , University of Wyoming (1999- present)

  • Member Engineering Honor Society (Tao Beta Pi)

  • Member Mathematical Honor Society (Pi Mu Epsilon)

  The well rounded education and the leadership experience I gained from the US Air Force Academy and the Sri Lanka Air Force has provided me with a solid foundation for problem solving and working under pressure.
