Work and Travel...

I´m an Oceanographer who lives no where near the ocean….

…though Madrid isn´t exactly a bad place to live…

I´m currently working at AINCO-Interocean using neutrally buoyant floats to study the water masses of the Mediterranean and Labrador Seas and the Azores and Canary Currents (CANIGO and Eurofloat projects). My Ph.D. work involved the study of the current structure of the south Indian Ocean, concentrating on the region surrounding Antarctica.


I consider myself very lucky in that :

  1. I love to travel
  2. I love the sea

and being an Oceanographer usually involves a lot of traveling…at sea…

but I do get sea sick …….

Below are some of my favourite places I´ve been to and lived in….

*Antarctic Cruises *Mauritius South Africa *Zimbabwe

Brazil *North America Azores Europe Other cruises 

*Gran Canaria *Norwich! Morocco *Puerto Rico


At the moment only those with (*) have anything in them….