
Personal Home Pages

The Official Susan Bailey Home

I am a Catholic singer/songwriter/recording artist dedicated to spreading the love of Jesus through the music He has entrusted to me. The Lord is my life, and the Church is His gift to us, His children. This faith, so rich in love, joy, peace, and fulfillment is out there, and deep in our hearts, for the taking. I hope that my music will ...


David Bryan Homepage

Homepage of a performer and a songwriter; and a composer of Catholic contemporary music.

cedric.gif Father Cedric's Web Site.

A Passionist Priest's Website which include topics, upcoming campaigns, prayer, the Passionist Community, vocations, sermon on the amount, inspiration &c.
(Link submitted per kind courtesy of Donald Gandolfi.)

Christina Covarrubias Homepage

A site for exploring authentic Catholic Christianity, with homeschooling links, a long list of Catholic links, and children's links and worship.

Stewart Duffie Homepage.

My name is Stewart Duffie, most call me Skip. I live in Nova Scotia. In the Here I am Lord page is a little about me and Midi Musicare some catholic music I have sequenced. In the Nova Scotia page is a little about where I live. (also)... a test page...Miracle...Poetry Page...links page...hope you will find them useful or entertaining.

Emmett's Homepage.

Erstwhile Apollo13 Homepage. Depeche Mode goodies and links including John Paul II, Catholic Links, "The Catholic Goldmine" Presentation Ministries (features an incredible daily scriptural reflection), Opus Dei, Pope John Paul II Institute and This Rock Magazine. Homepage of Emmett Clark, Seminarian.

The Home Page of
Fr. Victor Hoagland, C.P.
Victor Hoagland, C.P.

Materials in this homepage include references to The Passion of Jesus Christ, Companion in Illness, Little Children Pray, Meditations and Prayers for Lent and Easter, Prayer Resources Page, Passionist Publications, Articles on Mary, the Mother of God.

Welcome to Karen's Place: Home of the New Kid on the Block

"As you've probably guessed, this is my first attempt at a web page. What I've done is put together a list of sites that I've found particularly useful as a wife, mother, student, future teacher and Catholic Christian. Be sure to check out my Kids Links..."

...the endless website of Kathleen...

Topics include "Catholicism: Why you should embrace it; Homeschooling: Not for the faint of heart, but maybe for you; Deafness and related topics; Special Needs Kids; Funny, yet clean? It is possible!.."

It's ...
Elizabeth T. Knuth's Home Page.

I am pleased to announce that my Internet Theology Resources page * is listed in Argus Clearinghouse. And with no further ado, here are some of my favorite places on the Net: Christian Literature, Christian Literature, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Humor, Music, ObComputer, Newsgroups, Reverse Links...

Ed LoPresti's Home Page

An interesting homepage..the webmaster is a graduate student in Bioengineering and a Catholic with an intriguing sense of humor. Is he a Jew, a Catholic Priest, a worshipper of Cthullu..? Whatever he is (not?), his page on Saints' Biographies must be visited!

McCloskey's Perspectives. Father C. John McCloskey, III,

Dr. McCloskey is a chaplain of Mercer House, an Opus Dei center near Princeton University, N.J. Some of his writings include: Chaplains on Trial, Coeducation Revisited for the 21st Century, Evangelization in the US:....

Father Daniel Meynen's Site.

Un prêtre catholique à votre service (A Catholic priest at your service). Welcome to the site of Father Daniel Meynen ministering in the diocese of Namur, Belgium. For netizens, a weekly homily service is provided. You may have it in English or en Français.

David Mitchell's Homepage.

A catholic Computer Scientist says: To start with you may want to know why do I believe in God and why do I belong to the Catholic church. The first is the simpler to answer. My journey to faith. God is here and I know it through experiences and people...

Don and Edith Morales

Homepage, of a Filipino Catholic family residing in Bahrain, including a Prayers Corner, Rules For A Happy Marriage, a monthly feature and the Couples for Christ Covenant.The Couples for Christ (CfC) is a Catholic Charismatic group which originated in 1981 as a prayer group of less than twenty couples...has now expanded to 24 countries worldwide with over a hundred thousand couples and over ninety thousand other members from it's outreach ministries.

Rob Minchin's Home Page.rob.gif

Rob is a physics undergraduate at Durham University. His nice homepage includes hobbies and interests, musical interests, collection of Irish music links, favourite artists, religious links and more.

Nancy's Website

Welcome to my Website! I decided to create a website to share with one and all my Faith, my Professional and Personal Interests, and my sense of FUN! Basically, this site is a launching point to links to many.....

The Palm Family.

Welcome to the Palm family Web page. David, Lorene, and Christopher welcome you! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ dwell with you richly. Includes David Palm's Catholic Apologetics.

David Pentrack's Home Page!

I am an Electronics Engineer working at theDefense Microelectronics Activity in Sacramento, California...Web Sites I Maintain include Et Cum Spiritu Tuo, Diocese of Sacramento, Sacramento Live Weather, Local News & Weather....

The Home Page of Father Manuel Prado Ray-Baltar.

I am a catholic priest living in Finland and you can find in my homepage good information of human and christians values. Christian values are the source of peace, beauty, understanding and harmony among all mankind..

..We cease to hate when we cease to be ignorant (Quintus Septimius Tertullianus)..

... Put love where is not love and you will find love (Saint John of the Cross)...

Graham's Home Page .

This page belongs to:

Graham Sivills,
from Bradford , West Yorkshire, England. Here you will find info and links on : Celtic Folk Music, Ring of Kerry Tour, Human Rights, Amnesty, CAFOD, Christian Contemporary Music, Catholic Links, Salford Diocese, Catenians, North of England, Rochdale, Web Searchers, Animated Gifs...

Thinking Catholic.

Some personal views of a Catholic mother of four on what being a Catholic means in everyday life. Website by Shirley Vaughan from Australia.

gary6.gif width=100 height=100 Father Gary Ziuraitis Connections

A site, by a Catholic priest, for exploring authentic Catholic Christianity, with homeschooling links, a long list of Catholic links, and children's links and worship.

  • Suggestions, for any suitable and appropriate Catholic Christian site/ URL to be included in this website, will be most welcome.

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  • O Lord, increase my faith: midi.