The Magic of Disney Animation

The Magic of Disney Animation is a fascinating tour through a real working animation studio. The 45-minute tour starts in a room where duplicates of 12 of the many oscars won by Disney are on display. Also in the room are pictures of classic and upcoming Disney animated films. Next, guests enter a small theatre for a humorous movie about how animated films are produced. The movie is hosted by Walter Cronkite and Robin Williams, and is one of the best parts of the tour. After the short film, guests proceed on to the main studio, where large windows give views of the many features of the studio. Everything from the animators desks, with their many lamps, to the camera which transforms over 120,000 drawings into a film. As you walk along, your tour guide explains what you're seeing at every step. Near the end of the tour, a Disney animator demonstrates how to draw a Disney character and answers any animation questions you have. The finale of the tour is a short film montage of great Disney animation. It is best to visit this attraction on weekdays from the morning until early evening, because that is when the animators are at work.
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