Take Flight

Take Flight replaced the attraction "If You could Fly" and was open from June 26, 1989 - January 4, 1998, when it was replaced by Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. When Take Flight first opened it was called Delta Dreamflight, since it was sponsored by Delta Airlines, but when Delta discontinued their sponsorship on January 1, 1996, the name was changed to Take Flight, but the attraction stayed exactly the same. The attraction showed guests the romantic and adventurous side of flight. The romance was portrayed by beautiful and exotic places you could visit via aircraft such as Paris and China. The romance was heightened by the elegance and nostalgia of travel in the China Clipper M-130 Flying Boat, which guests passed through. The adventure part was portrayed by huge movie screens throughout the ride that showed everything from wing-walking to blasting off into space in the shuttle. One of the most whimsical parts of the ride was a giant pop-up book which depicted a different city on each page. New York, Paris, and London were delightfully depicted with utmost detail. To see every page of the pop-up book, you would have had to go on the ride at least twice, which wasn't a problem, since the lines were rarely long, even though it was actually quite a nice little ride.
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The following memory is from Jill Dickinson:

On the 4th of July me and my friend went to Disney and we went through Take Flight as the very last ride of the night at 2 a.m. and just thought about what a wonderful day we had.

The following memory is from Craig:

In my opinion I think that Take Flight is the best retired ride. After I rode it I loved to ride airplanes. I was so sad when I went to Disneyworld in 2000 and it wasn't there. I will always remember it.

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