
Horizons was a fascinating ride that brought transportation, energy, food, and communication together to show what family life might be like in the future. It opened on October 1, 1983, exactly a year after Epcot opened, and closed on January 9, 1999, over 15 years from when it opened. At the start of the ride, guests saw how the future was envisioned from the 1800's to the 1950's. In the next part of the ride, guests passed in front of a few gigantic movie screens where the futuristic technological advances that we have made were shown, such as the space shuttle. After that, the ride showed how the future is currently envisioned using many Audio-Animatronics and some neat special effects. In an underwater coloney, called Sea Castle, guests saw students going on underwater fieldtrips. In a desert community, called Mesa Verde, guests saw voice-controlled crop-harvesting robots, and genetically engineered fruit and vegetables. In an outerspace colony, called Omega Centauria, guests saw a health and recreation centre for families where you could partake in any sport you want, in any environment you choose. You could do everything from skiing in the Alps to biking through the streets of Paris. Many other interesting technologies were shown throughout the ride, such as holographic telephones, trains that work by magnetic levitation, and a home communications centre where you could study many school subjects by computer. This ride had an added bonus; at the end of the ride you got to choose one of three endings by pushing a button in your car. A computer tabulated your votes and you were presented a very short film about the future in either the desert, underwater, or outerspace.
Post your own memories about Horizons by clicking here

The following memory is from Amy Duggan:

My memories about horizons are the smell of oranges from the farm , and the fact that i ALWAYS walked on the attraction no matter when i was there !!! Long live horizons , a classic I'll never forget.

The following memory is from Craig:

Horizons used to be my favorite ride at Epcot Center. Everytime I went on the ride I would chose the space ending. The finally the last 2 times I rode it I chose the Ocean and the desert. I was soooo happy. I will never forget the ride as long as I live.

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