This gif was created and copyrighted by Josh Schacht
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth brings together lasers, lights, fountains, firework and flames nightly in the middle of World Showcase Lagoon to weave an awe-inspiring tale of the earth's history. The show starts off with a bang - the big bang to be exact, as two fireworks collide over the lagoon. Synchronized to pounding, dramatic music, fireworks light up the night sky, before the music calms down and the history continue. The amazing Earth Globe then appears, a huge spinning sphere covered in LED's (basically very high-tech little lights) that form the continents of our earth. Surrounded, by colourful, serene fountains, the Earth Globe's continents become video screens as our history continues past evolution and through the ages up to the present. In the show's stirring finale, as the Earth Globe presents the varied cultures of today, fireworks blast overhead, sparkling lights outline the World Showcase pavilions, lasers crisscross across the sky, and 19 huge torches flare up around the lagoon. As the show comes to a close, the Earth Globe splits apart like the petals of a flower, and one last humongous torch appears out of its centre.

IllumiNations Pictures



Fireworks & Flames

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