Postcard to Karen Goodson from Bullawayo, Zimbabwe

20/3/97 or thereabouts

Well helo you old bag, (as complementary as usual) how are you? Well I hope! Lying in Central Park, Bullawayo - just got some culture in the Natural History Museum. Got here from Victoria falls (awsome) this morning on the sleeper train. Everything is going great- Having a ball without too many hassles. Keep saving your bloody money so we can all meet up and do South America. Well I'm off so that Ian doesn't moan that I've used up all the space (like he usually does). Take care, stay in touch, love Murton.

PRAT! look at the bloody space he's left me. Karen you must never come to Africa, it's too far to come and see you - you'd never leave! Write to us soon and send a draft of your first novel. Good luck with the course, say hi to Ruth + Lou + Rachael + everybody else who knows me. Hope you got my last card, love Ian.

PS Poste restante Niarobi to mid April, then Bombay

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