Day six
Komotini - Lagos -
Nestos valley - Kavala

Map Komotini - Kavala (46k)

First stop this day was at Lagos, where there is a monastery in the middle of a lake. The monastery consists of two island conected by a bridge. On the first island is the actual monastery, on the second a very small church.

Monastery - Picture by SKIN (18k)
Monastery at Lagos

Bridge to second island - Picture by SKIN (28k)
Entrance to the bridge to the second island

The monks grow their own food on the island and also have a small flowergarden.

flower - Picutre by SKIN (26k)

After our visit to Lagos, we toured the Nestos river delta. Somewhere near Mangana we came across an excavation site of a town dating back to 300 bc. One of the things which struck us was the perfect way the ancient architects build walls.

ANcient wall - Picture by SKIN (40k)
Ancient wall

After spending some time at the excavation site, we went on to Kavala. One stop was made: At the Nestos River.

Nestos river - Picture by SKIN (47k)
Nestos river

Day seven: Visiting the old city of Kavala and ending the first week of our holidays.

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