This site is as it appeared in 1998. Therefore, some links to other sites may be broken.

Brutal Sound Effects and Toxic Noise Band web pages.

Hello. You've reached the Waste Dump of lost noise and garbage bands located in Tire Beach, San Francisco. On this beach, the bands are garbage, as the musicians have probably been trammeled by dioxin poisoning, the web site is worse, and the music is unlistenable.

We hope you enjoy your stay here on the beach, but you had better move along because you might be standing in a puddle of genetically engineered bacterial slime.


Bran (Pos)

Rubber O Cement

Skozey Fetisch

Caroliner xxx

Spider Compass
(no page yet)


Larnie's machine

For a complete list of bands, organ players, and other performers,
click here: A-L  M-Z  See archives below.


Here is current show information as of Friday, November 5...

Go see some shows at the TEHAMA ALLEY CLIT STOP
557 Howard Street between 1st & 2nd, downtown SF, (415) 896-6434
Note - you can find more Tehama show info at the Bran web site.

Dec 4


Strange tales
from Caroliner's 1998 US Tour.
Schedule from the 1998 tour

A list of previous shows
More previous shows

from the Memorial Day Tire Beach show.
from the July 19th Tire Beach show.

Performer list (A-L)
Performer list (M-Z)

To write to us, remove the no-spam characters XTRA from this address:
We will try to be nice.

© 1998 the artists

For your information, any advertisements that may appear are not my doing.

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