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Alias: Hermes, hermes, hermes_ch, hermes98, hermes-
Full Name : Nelson Esteban Gómez Román.
birth at : May,26th ,19..
heigth : 1,80 mts.
Nacionality : Chilean.
eyes : ligth green.
hairligth brown
Activity: Student
where : University of Bio-Bio, Chile.
Campus : Concepción.

Speending time or Hobbies...!!

Music : Alberto Plaza, Silvio Rodríguez, Pablo Milanés, etc..
and in english i like ear to Pink Floyd, and some about Nirvana.
best writers: Isabel Allende's books, Pablo Neruda's poems, and "El Arte de Amar" by Erick Fröhm.
sports : Tennis(but i'm not a Marcelo rios) , Volleyball, and sometimes i play a soccer match....
spare time: driving trought the city , drink something in a pub, and sleep...

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