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Hi! you have entered the infamous CleoGirls Homepage... kick back, relax and ENJOY!!

Meet Me!

Please be patient, this page is undergoing a major overhaul! Please feel free to come back and check it out at a later date! Thanks muchly!

Well, suppose you would like to know what you can expect to find on my webpage. Let's see, there will be a little bit of information about me and where I live, but what I am aiming to do is to open up the world for you to places you may not have been (and probably some you have).

There will be alot of information about places in Australia (because I live here and it is the best country in the world! - no bias there! ) Not to overdose you on "Australiana" I will also be including information on other places in the world that I have had the opportunity to visit. Guess you could call this your mini-travel guide!

Also, there will be some fun sites - links to my 'net buddies sites, for example, some games, a few jokes, links to fun sites and the like.

So, please, sit back, relax, and click away!! And remember, this site is majorly under "revamping" so be sure to come back every now and then to see any new additions!

Thank you for taking the time to visit, and please sign my guest book or email me to let me know how I am going! :o)

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