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Feel free to explore the following:

See Namibia! Interesting tourist spots for you to check out

Swakopmund, Dunes, Otjibamba Game Lodge, Hoba Meteorite

"The Family" - Get to know my friends in St. Mary's College, Q.C.(mayan gutierrez, sharon, annie, et al.)

Marians Batch '83 - Long lost Marians found here! (ata sulquiano, bubut carpio, sheila ysrael, leah joven, et al.)

Dive Namibia! - my diving experiences (past & present)

Barkadang MITmy friends from Mapua - Batch '88/ EIR Academic Society (e-mail addys, latest pix of Jiglog's family, Dennis Vigo, Kirk & Ed and BlackManio) The Way We Were -EIR Academic Society -1987 Pictures

Barkadang BBS - my BBSer friends from the Philippines

There's Something About Mary Grace


Mergs' Face Painting impressions

Manila Bay Sunset

Awesome Manila Bay Sunset!

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Last updated: 28 April 2004

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