THE TOTEM: The Eagle

The mighty eagle has held a place of spiritual importance in many, many cultures around the world for thousands of years. Each culture has created its own stories of the eagle's power and mysticism to the point where this could be a course of study of its own.
Eagle feathers are used around the world on ceremonial tools, clothing, headdresses and other items where a symbol of power, healing, and wisdom is a part of the ritual.
There are some 59 different species of eagles around the world which boast their own distinctive coloring and feather patterns, but which share some common traits as well. With all of the power in its body, beak, and talons, the eagle has a very weak voice -- almost a chirping sound. (The piercing scream heard as background for mighty scenic vistas in many movies and TV shows is not the eagle, but the hawk).
If you carry the eagle as a totem, theseare some important things for you to consider. You do not have a strong voice, so you will need to develop an instinct for the proper time to speak, how much to say, and how strongly to voice your thoughts. You are not given to idle chatter, and if you do talk at length, may find yourself clearing your throat repeatedly. You should be on guard for sore throats, laryngitis and other such problems with the vocal chords and voice box. Save your voice. It's precious to you.
You are gifted with clear vision, and can truly see those things you look at. You're not one of those who couldn't see an elephant in a bathtub! You may be farsighted, and this would be in keeping with the ability to maintain a broad overview of all elements of a situation, and not get locked into a narrow perspective or develop "tunnel vision". Your gaze can be piercing and may make others uncomfortable.
You are patient and can wait until the opportune moment for those things you must do. You don't get caught up in wasted motion or scurrying around in pointless efforts. You conserve your energy and, when the time is right, you take action. You have a strong warrior spirit and a healthy temper. This is not to say that you pick fights or disagreements, or that you wear massive chips on your shoulders. Rather you prefer to keep your peace and leave others to live in theirs. However, when you're threatened or in danger, or perceive perils to those dear to you, you will fight without fear using all of your mental and physical strengths to protect and defend.
You live in balance with the earth and the heavens. Your spirit can soar to great heights, even while performing the most mundane of earthly duties. You are the living proof that the mind and spirit of man are forever free, regardless of the boundaries and restrictions we may live under. Take heart and be strong, for your thoughts and prayers are carried on the wings of eagles.

(Words of Chief Hiamovi)
There are birds of many colors
- red, blue, green, yellow -yet it is all one bird.
There are horses of many colors
- brown, black, yellow, white - yet it is all one horse.
So cattle, so all living things - animals, flowers, trees.
So men: In this land where once were only Indians are now men of every color
- white, black, yellow, red - yet all one people.
That this should come to pass was in the heart of the Great Mystery. It is right thus. And eveywhere there shall be peace.

On me demanda un jour mon curriculum scout. C'est une chose à laquelle je n'ai jamais songé, mais le tout se résume à ceci:

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