Coyote is the great Trickster of the animal kingdom. Trichster and joker. Coyote will bring laughter to you by sowing you yourself, but if you are to serious or self-important, you may feel as if the "rug" is being pulled out from under you. Coyote teaches you to keep your child-like curiosity and spontaneity. The coyote teaches us the balance between folly and wisdom. The coyote often mates for life.
The male is protective of his mate, and takes carre of her during times of nee. He also takes an active role in the teaching of his children. The coyote gives us an example of a strong family unit. He teaches us cooperation and family supprot. Most of us think of coyote as the trickster, and it's true that he is. However, the talented trickster uses that ability in many ways. Coyote represents the two sides of every coin, every issue, every situation (including ourselves), and urges us to examine all the facts before we take a position or offer an opinion. Coyote is duality in everything: wisdom and folly; humor and seriousness; work and play; simplicity and complications (the wise fool). He is the living paradox at the heart of all things. He is here to teach us the value of living and walking in balance.
Coyote is skillful, but would rather find someone else to do the work if he can. He doesn't want to overextend himself so he finds others to help in tasks so he can drop back. He is the head of the committee who delegates all the work. Coyote is devoted to the family unit and the male takes an active role in parenting. He is adaptable and can make his home in any environment. Coyote also uses humor to cover sadness, pain, loneliness, and deep emotions. His laughter many times has an hysterical quality to it for, if challenged, he will burst into tears. Coyote will play the fool to get a laugh and is the one with the lampshade on his head at a party. Be gentle in using Coyote humor for it can be sharp and biting toward yourself and others.

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