THE TOTEM: Panthere

The Pantheress is a thinker. She is a hunter, worker, and a mother. She is creative, intuitive, and resourceful. She lives in a pride. She is protective. When she has crossed your path, it is time to "sit up and take notice". Undoubtedly, if she appears to you, the community and cooperation are spiritual lessons presented to you.
Are you doing all you can to add to the group effort? Have you become lax or lazy? Are you depending on others instead of "hunting" for yourself? Have you lost the patience and nurturing, female aspects of your self? Have you forgotten to think before you leap? Those with the Totems of the felines are born leaders. They are adept at organization. They have good people skills. The are strong; yet gentle. They are intuitive and creative; yet careful. Everything they do is done in fluid graceful tones.

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