Hi, My name is Sub Sen
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How about Andalucia?Puebla Blancas and Flamenco?
Check out my travel photos from Central Asia- the Silk Road Tour
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Travel, Photography, Science Fiction, History, Archaeology
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Travel Photos
Around the World

The Cuernos del Paine (the horns of the Paine ) across Lago Pehoe in Paine National Park.
E-mail me at subsen1@yahoo.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Sunrise at 5:30 am at the Hosteria Lazo, overlooking the Laguna Verde in Paine N.P. - then a hearty breakfast at the Rancho.
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Also check out my other homepage at (type in the URL:) Fred Miranda's Site...See Galapagos Islands!Rajasthan!
Some of you have requested a map ("for the geographically challenged") I'm working on it !
Gauchos at Lago Lazo
Lago Azul and the Torres del Paine on a hike to photograph guanacos closeup.