Welcome to my Guestbook!

me - 12/24/00 01:14:23
My Email:<---

CRIM! updat this damn site will yah? (SMACK)

Grenseal, Kazin, Sorin, Kir'thal, Arion (I have too many names) - 09/11/00 19:25:09

I just noticed the tribute, and even though all you did was post my story up there (:P), I am rather honored that you still think of me, in a positive light. Too bad I'm too self-involved to do the same, and even if I wasn't too self-involved, I'm too dam lazy! Anyways, you've got my ICQ. Oh, and for the time being, I've quit UO, moved onto D2, quit that (after a week), and now I kinda just float around. Been working too much to play any games, really. Psh. Ah well. I gonna try to get out of my damn house today, toodles.

Grenseal (Kazin... Sorin... Tiral...) - 04/24/00 00:48:41
My Email:trok@bellsouth.net

Daaaaaaamn dude. LTNS. I was surprised you remembered me, hell, I'm surprised my story is still on your site. :) So ... I quit Realm, found UO. Been off of Realm for about a year or so. Maybe a year and a half by now... been traveling the UO world over, quit paying for the damn thing, found that player run shards are MUCH more fun. Heh, you can be known throughout t e world. :) Been missing my realm folk, the good ole Demo, channel 3 to channel 333. Ahh, the good old days. Anyways, re-add me to ICQ if you ever wanna talk (43359506).

kilowatt - 04/06/00 02:56:18
My Email:k7aab@juno.com

shhh ... he's here =0P~~~~

crim - 03/15/00 16:09:03
My Email:yeah yeah


crim - 03/15/00 16:07:18
My Email:yeah yeah


Lisele - 03/11/00 09:18:20
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Loft/1013
My Email:liselle@hotmail.com

Ever since the first time I've come to this site, you've always amazed me. The stories are wonderful, and Crim's story is intriguing. I'd like to thank you for posting mine ;) I'll be back to visit ;)

InThrees - 02/29/00 19:26:46
My Email:peterr@awod.com

Long time no see, CrimeScene. How's tricks? -Three

No One Important - 12/19/99 06:37:08

this is pretty cool and I like the layout of how you've done your page I'll be back to visit

Waverlyt - 11/15/99 00:21:08
My Email:waverlyt@hotmail.com

Heyas, LTNS. Great page!

angelmay - 10/11/99 13:53:55
My Email:angelmay1979@yahoo.comm

Very neat web page... I couldn't do it.

JohnHeartstrong - 06/16/99 00:40:02
My Email:barngrover@gateway.net

You can run but you cannot Hide CrimsonFyre! Hehe, we will meet on the Realm to hunt soon.

Blazette - 04/11/99 17:22:42
My Email:BlazZette@aol.com

Crimson your so talented. I wish I could write so well. Your page is great. It seems I'm the only one in RAW with no talent. But then, I'm nice :) So that will have to do ;P

Wonkar - 03/17/99 21:04:09
My Email:jester_128@hotmail.com

I like the page Crim. Very entertaining and stuff. Keep up the good work : )

Goldlight - 02/20/99 03:38:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MareAnn/hpage.html
My Email:ponygirl_@hotmail.com

WONDERFUL page, I love it!! :-) Keep up the great work! See in the Realm!! ~Goldy!

wintr - 02/09/99 04:46:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/dadecity/index.html
My Email:dawn@citicom.com

You did a wondergood job Crimson..a very enjoyable page *smiles* will stop back often.(and i wont ask if ya miss me *smiles*)

Atana - 01/27/99 05:29:12
My Email:pmtoth@cgo.wave.ca

Well done. Good stories and good reading and definitely enjoyable. Look forward to reading more. Keep up the good work ;D

Shorty - 01/26/99 07:33:32
My Email:Shortty@antisocial.com

uhhhhh....I like it :)

Cryssa - 01/26/99 05:45:06
My Email:chicken@radiks.net

Roses are red.. Violets are blue.. I like your web page... but I lust for you!! hehheh gotta luv me Crimmy baby! smooches.. page is looking good ! keep me updated on it!

Linda/LauraLee - 01/25/99 23:26:42
My Email:Odyssey225@AOL.com

From your first concept. your excitment has shown. Now as each paragraph is written.. your thoughts are coming alive. The music adds the old world feel as you bring us into the life of Crimsonfyre. I look forward to reading more and more as you continue n your journey.. Good Luck.

Grenseal - 01/25/99 22:51:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Dome/7822
My Email:trok@mindspring.com

Hey, it's getthing there budddddddy =D
Just keep at it and I know it'll be great. The story stills needs to be put into seperate paragraphs *grin*


Tina/Tessie - 01/25/99 22:50:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SorceressTina/index-1.html
My Email:crazy4cs@stic.net

It's very good so far ;) Can't wait till you finish it.

Angyle - 01/25/99 22:43:30
My Email:AngyleLove@aol.com

Looking good so far... :)

PrincessStar - 01/25/99 08:07:33
My Email:dolfan1@flash.net

Keep up the good work hon... I'll be waiting to read more of the Crimsonfyre story..thanks for sharing it with me ..see ya when I see ya ..

Spanky - 01/25/99 05:36:47

Yep! it does take


Spanky - 01/25/99 05:34:38

Kewel Page - Who's the little blue animal?

Does this thing accept HTML?

Crimsonfyre - 01/25/99 03:24:34
My URL:http://ummmm
My Email:Crimsonfyre@mailexcite,com

woohooo i actually go the guest book to work :)

Crimsonfyre - 01/25/99 03:23:51
My URL:http://ummmm
My Email:Crimsonfyre@mailexcite,com


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