The Father

The palace was buzzing with activity. Tall guards lined the hallway. Light shone off them, filling the hallway with a golden glow. They were alert and strong. No one could enter the inner chamber without the guards knowing it. They watched intently--aware of every moment, of every person who passed by.

    At the end of the massive hallway stood a huge doorway. The door was guarded by two immovable guards. The door itself was heavy. It was not made of wood but marble, and it had been polished till the light shone in it, its colors swirling in the creamy whiteness.

    Through the door was the inner chamber, the throne room of the king. It was an incredible room. Huge, marble pillars framed the room. The walls were covered with a thick, purple cloth, such a deep purple that it almost seemed black; yet when the light shone on it, the color had such a depth that in itself it spoke of majesty and royalty. Gold and jewels decorated the walls. The floor shone. It, too, was made of marble; not the creamy white with the iridescent colors made by the light of the pillars and the door but shining white, so pure and clear it reflected all the colors of the gold and jewels and purple wall coverings.

    The room was alive with people. Everyone had their purpose and was busy with their work. These people had important work to do. They ran the kingdom--every detail. Nothing kept them from seeing to their responsibilities. Nothing interrupted their attention to each detail.

    In the center of the room sat the King. His eyes were gentle, yet they seemed to look into the very depth of your heart. His face was loving yet intent. He was intent on the work before Him. He made each decision and gave each order with wisdom and firmness. His features spoke of strength and might and power. The workers around Him spoke to Him with reverence and awe. They respected Him like no other. They would do anything for Him. Anything.

    Down the hall came a noise. The guards stood at attention, ready to do whatever they needed to. Watching. Waiting. Those at the door stood their guard. No one would enter without permission.

    The noise came closer. It was a little girl. She was skipping down the hall, not a care in the world. She didn't seem to be phased by the guards or the massive door ahead of her. She smiled and laughed and sang, headed for the doorway.

    The guards saw her coming. They knew her. They let her pass, a smile on their faces. Those at the door relaxed their stance and opened the door for her to go through.

    Inside the room, everyone looked up. They wanted to see who was coming in. Who was interrupting the work of the kingdom?

    The King looked up too. His gentle eyes rested on the little girl. A smile broke wide on His face and lighted up the entire room. It spread to all the workers around Him, and each stopped their work. They smiled at the little girl. They watched and gathered around her as she approached the throne.

    "Good morning, Father," she said, as she climbed up onto the King's lap.

    "Good morning, Daughter, how glad I am to see you! I'm so glad you came to spend time with me." Delight shone in the King's eyes. You could see the depth of love He had for His daughter. "Look, My daughter has come to see me," He told all the room.

    As father and daughter spent time together, it was as if nothing else mattered. His eyes never left her face as she talked to Him, telling Him of her day, her cares, her struggles, her joys. The whole room listened. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else was as important as this time between father and daughter. No one else could just skip down the hall, past the guards, through the doorway, and stop all activity. People didn't just come uninvited.

    But she had access to the King always. No matter what was happening, she was welcome to come in whenever she wanted to or needed Him. Everything stopped for her. Nothing was more important than she was to the King. She was His daughter.

    You are the daughter. God is the King, the Father. You are always welcome in the court of heaven. God is never too busy. Nothing is more important than you. That's how great the Father's love is for you. That's how much He values you. When you pray to Him, you have His full attention. God listens. He cares. His eyes are full of love as they rest on you.

    He wants you to have the confidence to live as His daughter, the confidence to trust Him with everything. He wants you to know Him. He's willing and waiting to reveal more and more of Himself to you. He wants you to know Him only as a daughter can know her Father. He will help you live as His daughter."

  Excerpt from "A Woman of Worth" by Tamyra  Horst.


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