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  Loved Owned and Shown by Keith Taylor & Sheila Mackinnon


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The story begins way back in 1980.

When Sheila bought her first Dalmatian puppy called "Sammy" and joined the North of England Dalmatian Club. He was very much a family dog alternating between her gran who lived with Sheila at the time, and her parents that lived just around the corner. He was never a very obedient boy but he used to go to classes, where on a good day he might even win something. He also enjoyed agility. The main problem with that was he wasn't obedient enough to do it off the lead, so Sheila herself was pretty damn fit in them days too! Sammy lived life to the full and lived to the ripe old age of 14 years 6 months. 

I Met Sheila in early 1988 and on New Years Eve of that year I joined the family. Knowing Sammy already there were no problems on that score. Not long afterwards two Rottweillers came to stay, initially for a couple weeks which turned into 8 years! Sadly the rotties died in the same year as Sammy, and so we were dogless and bereft of canine company for a while. That is until we went to the N.O.E.D.C. open show at Cleckheaton in the March of 1996 and fell in love all over again with Dalmatians. At that show someone introduced us to Penny Somerwill who had a litter of pups at the time. We went to see them and of course the rest is a foregone conclusion we got "Monty". Getting "Ike" some two years later just seemed the natural thing to do.

Now to the future....................
Ike [Ch Frankish Desert Trouper] has exceeded all expectations and became our first champion! Monty [Frankish Spring Trouper] our first show dog has also done extremely well and taught us every thing that we know, and is now approaching the veteran classes.
Sheila who is in her last year at university studying for a degree and can't see beyond that at the moment, but me still head cook and bottle washer/dog sitter have seen some very nice bitch puppies come out this year and think perhaps a change is now in order!

As we were both born and bred in Southport it was nice to discover it was also the home town of the late Miss Monkhouse's very well known "Cabaret" affix.

These pages last updated 4/11/02 Copyright © thetwotroupers inc 2001

Puppies sometimes available to selected homes

Puppies born 14/10/02 by Ch Frankish Desert Trouper 5 dogs 3 bitches will be BAER hearing tested can be seen in the NW England with their parents e-mail for further details