Welcome to the recipe page. In order to create these food, you need to purchase a mixer, an oven and ingredients. Choose the food you want to create and follow its recipe. Mix the ingredients with the mixer and then bake it with an oven.

Apple Pie - 1 Apple, 1 flour, 1 sugar

Apple Strudel - 1 apple, 1 nuts, 1 sugar

Birthday Cupcake - 1 vanilla, 1 sugar, 1 flour
(contributed by Vivian Leung)

Carmel Apples - 1 apple, 1 sugar, 1 vanilla

Chocolate Biscotti - 1 chocolate, 1 flour, 1 nuts
(contributed by James Olson)

Chocolate Cake - 1 flour, 1 sugar, 1 chocolate

Chocolate Decadence - 2 chocolate, 1 flour

Cocoa-apple Cake - 1 chocolate, 1 nuts, 1 apple

Cupcakes - 1 vanilla, 1 sugar, 1 flour

Fudge Brownies - 2 chocolate, 1 nuts

Glazed Fruit Salad - 1 strawberries, 1 lemon, 1 apples
(contributed by James Olson)

Lemon Meringue Pie - 2 lemon, 1 sugar

Lemon Tart - 1 lemon, 1 sugar, 1 vanilla

Low Carb Chocolate Cake - 2 chocolate, 1 sugar

Milk Chocolate Bunny - 3 chocolate

Pecan Pie - 1 Flour, 1 nuts, 1 sugar

Red velvet cake - 1 strawberry, 1 chocolate, 1 vanilla
(contributed by Teena Jessup)

Strawberry Shortcake - 1 strawberry, 1 flour, 1 sugar

Strawberry Tiramisu - 1 strawberry, 1 vanilla, 1 flour
(contributed by Teena Jessup)

Sugar Cookies - 2 sugar, 1 flour

Vanilla Swirl Tart - 1 chocolate, 1 sugar, 1 vanilla

If you know any more recipes please contact me at