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Review by blahzer


Fans rejoice - this long-awaited game actually lives up to its hype. The addictive nature of the game would keep you engrossed for hours, and to say that it's fun would be an understatement. The Urbz redefines its genre by infusing elements of RPG, and what results is a masterpiece that grips you like a vice and won't let go.

Game play - 9/10

What's new in the game play from previous Sims games is probably the introduction of "Rep groups". Depending on how you answer questions posed at the beginning of the game, you end up in different Rep groups to match your personality the most, which can be changed later should you find that it's not to your liking or for some other reason. Unlike The Sims on the PC, you have a fixed storyline that you must follow through here. You proceed through the game by unlocking plots and missions, though it's up to you when and in what order you want to do it. You have your basic necessity meters to maintain, and there are several ways to keep them up. Mini-games to earn extra money can be unlocked too, and some of them are surprisingly original and fun, like one called "Comic Explosion" where you have to tell as many jokes as possible while dodging tomatoes and before time runs out. You can choose who you want to interact with, and the tone of speech you use can affect your relationship with that person (eg. say something flattering, and your relationship bar increases). Various events happen and the characters appear at different places at specific times, making the game seem more realistic. What I like about the game is that the missions are not posed right in front of face, but instead require you to discover them yourself by talking to other characters. The game play is seamed together so flawlessly, the only complaint I have is that your basic meters go down rather quickly, and at times you'll find replenishing them a hassle especially when you're in the middle of completing a time-constraint mission.

Story - 9/10

The plot is simple, yet carefully infused with humorous touches of absurdity, common in the Sims franchise. You start off discovering Daddy Bigbuck's evil scheme of turning the city into an "Urban Theme park". What follows next are the plots you unlock by wondering around interacting with others, which are interesting and highly entertaining to uncover.

Graphics/Sound - 10/10

The beautiful semi-3D environment will leave you breath-taken. Your character is highly customisable, with a wide array of clothing colours and styles to choose from. The vibrant colours bring the neighbourhood to life during the day, and into quiet stillness at night. The background music changes depending on the location, time and situation. It's a mix of hip-hop grooves that are unique in GBA games. The "voices" of the characters are also littered with emotion, from a disgruntled gruff when they're insulted to a sweet "Aww" when they're being flattered.

Replay value - 10/10

The mini-games are highly addictive and fun. Although they can only be played once a "day" in the game, the sheer number of mini-games available will keep you busy enough for the entire "day". Besides following the main storyline, there are many other things for you to do, like furnishing your house or upgrading it. You can wreck or improve a relationship with someone - it's your call. There's an endless amount of things to do during and after completion, and this is what makes it highly worth replaying.

Final Verdict

The Urbz is in many ways unique to games of today. Great graphics and sound will make this a joy to play, and the addictive game play will keep you hooked for hours. It's a treasure trove of fun, and any gamer - fan or not - will definitely be pleased.


Overall: 10/10

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