
S.4 – It’s Alive

-Find some Amber
Go around town looking for small round gold things on the ground and press A to pick it up. You may have come across these earlier in the game. To see if you have some go to your pockets and click on collectibles. The round yellow thing is the Amber.

-Create a Pet
Go to the Isle and before you enter the Gate, turn right and you will see a building. Enter it and talk to Dr. Mauricio Keyes. Go up the elevator and talk to Cynthia Braintrust. Then go to the big simoleon sign and create a pet. You have to follow the line and try not to go out side of it. You only have a limited amount of time to be fast. For the second game, you have to press the round blue things when they reach the line. Try to make them pop instead of shrinking.


S.5 – Dog and Dinosaur show?

-Convince 3 people to Compete in the Pet Show
This is an easy one. First talk to Busta Cruz. He may be at the Pet Show, so enter the gate and walk to the top left corner. That is the Entertainment Center. Walk through it and exit on the other end. This is the Pet show. Talk to Busta Cruz if he’s there. Now you need to find 3 people to enter. Go to talk Cynthia Braintrust. Now talk to Maximillian Moore the Doctor. Next talk to Gary Geezer, he’s the guy that’s kind of deaf.

-Train a Pet for the Show (Rel 50)
Talk to your pet. Depending on what kind it is, it will like different, things. But I think all of them like the Play option.

-Win a Pet Show.
Save before you play the game. This game is actually really easy. The blue cards you can only put on your pet which will give you points. The red cards you can only put on other pets so it will slow them down. Green cards you can only put on your pet if it has a red card on it. Let’s say you put a blue card down, you will get some points. Then it’s the next pets turn, and they put a red card on your pet, which just happens to be a sleep card. When it is your turn, you can’t do anything because you don’t have any green cards which will get rid of the red card you have on your pet. So it will let you discard some cards. Now, if you have the green energy card, you can put it on your pet and it won’t be sleepy anymore. And you can keep adding blue cards. To win, you need to get 100 points.


S.6 – Winky Weebucks

-Investigate the Lab
After you win the Pet Show, when you leave, take the red flag by the gate. You will get a cut scene where Cynthia Braintrust is calling for help. Go to the Lab and up the elevator. You will see Berkeley Clodd. Watch the cut scene and you will see Winky Weebucks.

-Find Winky Weebucks
I think it is better if you do the next mission first.

-Find Someone to Stop Winky Weebucks
Go talk to Olde Salty. He will suggest talk to the parrot. So go to the top of the riverboat and talk to the parrot.

-Give a sail to the Parrot
Give the parrot the flag I told you to take earlier. He will then fly off.

-Distract Winky Weebucks
Go to the Carnival and meet Pepper Pete there. Now you have to go through the maze. Go to the left end and walk towards Winky Twice. Then walk right twice. Now go forward and you’re through. Talk to Winky and you have distracted him.

Congratulations, you have beaten Mission S. You will now see the credits.
