Andy Land - WWF Summerslam 2001 pics

WWF Summerslam 2001

After 10 months, I have finally scanned pictures from WWF Summerslam 2001. I went with Joey "APW and Cutco knives are the best" Trebaol. We sat two seats from the aisle where the wrestlers walk in. We were literally 4 or 5 feet away from them. Our seats were "upgraded" when we noticed that the two seats next to us were not taken. So we took them and were even closer to the action.

Well...about an hour through the show, two hot females walked into our row. A blonde. And a brunnette. I think they were wearing shiny leather pants. Apparently, those seats we took were theirs. So Joey and I move back to our seats, next to the hot girls. I turned to Joey and he gave me this "oooooh yea" grin. I think he took pics of them. I think.

Overall, the show was great. The highlight of the night was when Rob Van Dam saw my "The Whole F'n Show" sign. He was walking back and turned and saw my sign. I read his lips and he said, "whole fucking show." Joey is my witness on this. RVD saw my red sign and acknowledged it. That was so awesome. One thing that sucked was that Triple H and Benoit were injured so they couldn't be at Summerslam. Boo!

I lowered the quality of these pics just a bit so that I can save some memory and decrease the load time for some of you. Plus, I have a lot more pictures that I have yet to scan. These are just the ones I had time for. I'll add more on the next update.

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