Astrological Birth Charts by

Welcome to A Sign of the Times Astrology, your source for free or inexpensive natal & birth charts, and astrological horoscopes.

Every visitor to our site is entitled to claim a free chart and entry into our free weekly draw - first prize a free chart of your choice.

Why are our horoscopes different? Because we specialize in calculating individual, personalized, birth charts, calculated using your exact data. Your horoscope is as individual as you are, and you should ignore any horoscopes such as the ones we see every day in newspapers, magazines and search engines. It is just not credible to believe that the entire Aries population of the world will be experiencing the same thing, on the same day, wherever they live, regardless of their data!

Every visitor to our site is entitled to a free chartwheel like the one below.

Each chartwheel is calculated individually and is completely unique.

If you do not know your exact time of birth, then 12pm (midday) can be used.

Click here to get your FREE chartwheel.....