The Candle Game

All witches but one sit in a circle, facing inwards. the chosen one stands outside this circle. A candle is lit. If the one outside the circle is a woman then the candle is now passed back and forth about the circle by the men. It does not have to be passed in any special direction; it can move around or back and forth across the circle of witches. the woman runs around trying to blow out the flame, over the heads and shoulders of those forming the circle. When she is successful, she and the male who was holding it at the time will kiss and then change places. then the women will pass the candle around, with the man running around trying to blow it out.


Everyone sits in a circle. One person starts by asking a question. Any pagan question can be asked although the answer should involve several words rather than a yes or no answer. The person to the left of the questioner thinks of an answer and whispers it in the ear of the person to their left. That person, in turn must whisper those same words (exactly) to the next person and so round the circle, each person passing on exactly what they think they heard, whether or not it seems to make sense. When it gets back to the questioner, that person repeats the question out loud and follows up with the answer that arrived. Invariably the answer gets so garbled in the process of being whispered from one to another that is either distorted or humorous. You shouldn't  consciously try to alter what you receive, you will find that it becomes slightly garbled all by itself. An alternative is to not bother with a question but someone start a statement back to the originator.


Games to test the psychic abilities are very popular. For example, form two lines with the group sitting in couples, back to back. Each person has a piece of paper and a pencil. One line are senders and the other line receivers. Each of the senders thinks of an object and draws a simple picture of it on the paper. Then the sender concentrates on it. The receiver tries to pick up on what their partner is sending and draw it on their piece of paper. Do this three times, then switch so that the original senders are now receivers and vice versa. you'll be amazed at how similar many of the pictures are.