Astrological Herbalism

The practice of applying herbs with astrology has dated back to the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. Picking herbs according to the phase of the moon; the period between the waxing and the full moon would have been the time to pick herbs for constructive magic and the full moon being the time when they reach their full vitality.

A herb ruled by one sign of the zodiac  should cure a diseased part of the body. 


Sun burnet, chamomile, celandine, centaury, chicory, eyebright, heartsease, marigold, mistletoe, pimpernel, rosemary, saffron, St. John's Wort, sundew, viper's bugloss
Moon adder's tongue, chickweed, goose-grass, loosestrife, privet, purslane, white rose, watercress, white poppy, willow
Mercury dill, fennel, hazel, honeysuckle, lilly-of-the-valley, maidenhair, marjoram, mullberry, parsley, vervain
Venue alder, birch, blackberry, burdock, coltsfoot, cowslip, daisy, elder, fennel, foxglove, ground ivy, groundsel, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mint, mugwort, periwinkle, plantain, primrose, sanicle, sea holly, sorrel, tansy, thyme, valerian, vervain, violet, yarrow
Mars basil, broom, hawthorn, lesser celandine, stonecrop, thistle, toadflax, wormwood
Jupiter agrimony, balm, betony, borage, chervil, chestnut, cinquefoil, dandelion, dock, houseleek, hyssop, red rose, sage, thistle
Moon bistort, comfrey, hemlock, henbane, ivy, knapweed, moss, mullein, nightshade
Consult a professional herbalist before considering your own potions as some have significant side effects if used incorrectly.