Kuei-jin Lore Kuei-jin Lore

Kuei-jin Lore:

x1 Newb.

Basic understanding of the necessities (Chi) and the banes (fire, sunlight, metal and wooden stakes through the heart) of Kuei-jin existence.

Kuei-jin have clawed their way back through the Hells and have escaped the Yama kings which are the evil rulers of the 10,000 hells.

They are ruled by their Hun and their struggle (or embrace) of the dark aspect of their soul, called the P'o.

They seek the balance between the Yin and the Yang chi within them.

Know many common Kuei-jin specific terms.

You know that Kuei-jin are separated into adoptive families called "Dharmas", which a new Kuei-jin innately feels that they belong to. They focus on the five major parts of the Kuei-jin reality, the Hun, the P'o, Yin, Yang, and Balance. (Can't name which to which exactly though.)

You know the names of the five major Dharmas (i.e. Devil Tiger, Resplendent Crane, Song of the Shadow, Path of the Thousand Whispers, Dance of the Thrashing Dragon)

You know that the Kuei-jin organize themselves into "Courts" to rule various areas and achieve specific goals.

"Ancestors" rule the courts. Usually one Ancestor claims leadership over one court.

You understand the traditions surrounding "Court" and the various positions (Disciple, Jina, Mandarins Etc.)

You know of the Great Arhat Xue, and his Great Principle sometimes called Five Fold way, which is an ancient doctrine of enlightenment that unifies Kuei-jin society.

Knows of the legendary progenitors of the Kuei-jin called the Two, sometimes referred to as the Scarlet Queen. And of the Ebon Dragon.

The August Personage of Jade is the highest power of all spirits, above all others.

Kuie-jin can only take Chi from humans. It is not a pleasant experience for the victim.

A Kuie-jin may bite to drink blood and gather chi, but he doesn't have the Kiss as western vampires do, nor can he "lick" the wound and make it heal.

Knows that the Kuei-jin perform magical Rites, but aren't specific on what or how. 

You are a competent Disciple.

Knows that wraiths and spirits are real and often associate with the Kuei-jin who travels between the mortal realm and the Dark Kingdom of Jade, and the Mirror lands regularly. Kuei-jin even have guardian spirits who look after their Wu's called Nushi (similar to Pack Totems in Werewolf.)

You understand the concept of Dharma and its relationship to enlightenment. The higher one is on their personal path to enlightenment the more powerful they are.

You understand the concept of the second breath and that each Kuei-jin should instinctively seek their own Dharma path.

You understand the 8 stages of The Heaven's Steps and the path of the Dharmic journey. You are probably still Running the Monkey though.

The Dharmas, five philosophical groups are accepted by the greater Kuei-jin community as potential paths, each emphasize a particular aspect of Kuei-jin existence:

          The Howl of the Devil Tiger: The Dharma embracing the P'o. (Devil Tigers)

          The Way of the Resplendent Crane: The Dharma embracing the Hun. (Cranes)

          The Song of the Shadow: The Dharma embracing Yin. (Bone Flowers)

          The Path of a Thousand Whispers: The Dharma embracing balance. (Whispers)
          The Dance of the Thrashing Dragon: The Dharma embracing Yang. (Dragons)

You have a rough idea about history and the Wheel of Ages, and know that you are living in the Fifth Age, on the brink of the Sixth age (which is bad)

Has heard of Hengeyokai and their relationship with Kuei-jin. (Generally hatred, though occasionally they do work together.)

Has heard of the Ki Chuan, the Kuei-jin holy book which was written by Ki, Second Disciple of Xue, that contains the wisdom of Xue.

The Kuei-Jin have invaded the West Coast and have almost taken California over from the kin-jin.

Kuei-jin can sometimes store Chi in sacred objects, made of Jade. (You don't know how.)

Knows that the Kuei-jin perform magical Rites, can name several of them.

Is aware of the Chinese Five August Courts of the Quincunx

You have heard of the valor and purity of the Flashing Carp Wu of the Quincunx.

You know of the existence of half-breeds called Dhampyrs.

Dhampyrs must eat, drink, and sleep. By using chi energy, they can perform feats not possible for humans. They can regain chi through rest or by eating flesh (usually they cannot by drinking blood). Dhampyrs are mortal but can live for centuries. Once mature, they age at roughly 1/10 the rate of humans. Severe injuries can kill them, but they can withstand far worse damage than humans.

According to oral tradition, about half of all Dhampyrs conceived are not carried to term. Dhampyrs tend to grow up psychologically disturbed, whether raised by a humans or vampires. Their half-monstrous nature also prevents them from participating fully in mortal society. They are often loners and wanderers by nature.

(If in regular contact with western vampires you know that neither the Blood Bond, nor the Valdurie will work on a Kuei-jin.)

You could be an Ancestor.

You have limited knowledge of the ways of the Dharmas. Think, a quick read through the splat books. Can roughly describe each Dharma's basic tenets. You can name the training and weaknesses of each of the common Dharmas.

Has a basic understanding of Disciplines, and their divisions Shintai, Chi, Soul, and Demon Arts. Think "general overview."

Knows of Zao-lat, the first Disciple of Xue, the original Bodhisattva. (Known to Western Vampires as Salout.)

Arhat Xue lived during the Third Age.

Has in-depth knowledge of the Great Principle, and can easily speak at length on each of the Five tenets of the Principle. (i.e. The Way of: Origin, Lineage, Integrity, Obligation, and Propriety)

You can name a couple of the more prominent bodhisattvas.

You have heard of the "D?h" otherwise called the "All-Awareness" a state of enlightenment that western vampires call "Golconda."

Knows the principles of "the Wall" separating the Mirror Lands and the Dark Kingdom of Jade from this realm, and its relation to the location of Dragon Nests, and Dragon lines.  

You know about Specters, the Shadow, and Harrowing. You have a basic understanding of the 13 major Arcanoi.

Knows of Dragon Nests, and Dragon Lines (Chi lines and places of power such as Nodes/Cairns/ freehold/mew/glens/haunts) Dragon Nests represent places where the Wall is weak and one can cross between realms.

Knows about the major Middle Kingdom courts (Golden, Green, and Sun, Black Tortoise, Yellow Emperor) and their worldly associations.

Have a more detailed knowledge of Kuei-jin Rites and the place of Ritual in the Kuei-jin society.

Knows nearly all of the major Rites by name, can describe in detail most of them.

Knows that there are outcast Kuei-jin that claim no court and are called Hejmin. Hejmin are "to be tolerated" and not destroyed. They exist outside of Kuei-jin society but are not considered enemies of it.

You know of the true outcasts of Kuei-jin society which are unfit to associate with other Kuei-jin, they are called Akuma and have sold themselves into the service of the Yama Kings. (Kuei-jin infernalists, basically.)

Has heard of "The Mandate of Hell" a belief that Ancestors (rulers of Courts) are preordained rulers appointed by fate and must be obeyed.

(If in regular contact with western vampires you know that cannot make ghouls.)

Ancestors seek you to clarify facts.

You have likely read parts of the Ki Chuan, and are familiar with the story of Xue and his disciples Zao-lot and Ki.

You have detailed knowledge of the ways of the Dharmas. (Think, a good read through each of the splat books). Can precisely describe each Dharma's tenets, training, and weaknesses, and describe and discuss them at length using examples.

You have a very good understanding of the Great Cycle and can name and describe each of the Ages of the Wheel of Ages.   

Age of Heaven — The First Age of the Great Cycle time before time, when all things were one.

Age of Beauty — The Second Age of the Great Cycle, when the Middle Kingdom and Spirit Courts were still close together.   

  Age of Legends — The Third Age of the Great Cycle; the mythical prehistory of the Middle Kingdom, when the Kuei-jin walked among and ruled humanity as benevolent spirits.

   Age of Beautiful Sadness — The Fourth Age of the Great Cycle, heralded by the Kuei-jin's forsaking of their Heavenly duties. Human history begins during this period, and the Kuei-jin trace their vulnerability to sunlight to this time (the Chou Dynasty, specifically).

Age of Darkness — The Fifth Age of the Great Cycle; the time period extending roughly from first contact with the West to the present nights.

Age of Sorrow — The coming (Sixth) Age; the nadir of the Great Cycle. Analogous to the Kindred's Gehenna; however, most Kuei-jin see the Age of Sorrow as a necessary part of existence.

Can see the hidden meanings in day-to-day Kuie-jin politics.

Knowledge of a few of the Greater powers available in the primary Disciplines (Greater Disciplines KotE Companion)--again think general description not detailed write-ups

Knows that there is more out there than Kuie-jin, and spirits, there are also Western Vampires, Werecreatures, Hedge Mages, True Mages, Mummies and Demons.

Can name several of the bodhisattvas', and can likely tell stories of their deeds.  

You are familiar with the concept of Heretical Dharmic paths that the Akuma follow, and can name them (Flame of the Rising Phoenix, Tempest of Inward Focus, Face of Gods, Spirit of the Living Earth, Scorpion Eaters) No specific details though.

You can name several of the Yama Kings (Malfeans)

Can name each of the Ancestors of the Five August Courts of the Quincunx and has heard of the "Treaty of the Quincunx" which binds together the Chinese Courts.

Knows of the "Great Leap Outward" which is a plan by the Quincunx to take territory in the West, specifically San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Deigo. (Or all of California pretty much.)

You are aware of the Golden Courts of South East Asia and their unusual matriarchal society. (Do not question any female Queen or Ancestor in a Golden Court.)

The  ability and cunning of the akuma hunting Flayed Monkey Wu of Golden Court Penangallan is known to you.

(If in regular contact with western vampires you know that Kuei-jin cannot commit nor be subjects of diablorie)

If you are not a Bodhisattva it is likely you know too much.

A working familiarity with several editions, and translations of the Ki Chuan

Has probably seen the equivalent to a full copy of the Ki Chuan (although several drastically different versions exist)

Knows several of the legends of the Yama Kings.

Have a basic Knowledge of the Dark Arcanoi (Wraith/Spector).

Probably has a copy of the "Treaty of the Quincunx" and knows it was written in 1304 C.E. at the Council of Dragons. This treaty was made to combat the influx of western vampires and specifically sights them as the "enemies of the Quincunx." It forbids any friendly contact with them including trade.

Understands the place and choosing of "The Bestowed Ancestor of the Celestial Realms" in the Quincunx.

Is very familiar with the concept of the "Great Leap Outward" and the motives behind it (and if not a member of the Quincunx sees that it is a VERY BAD IDEA, mostly like the Crusades, a complete waste of time.)

Can identify a Golden Court Penangallan by simply looking at her.

Can name and describe the social tenents of the less prominent courts.

Experience with Kuie-jin (once known as wu kuie) society is likely to be more accurately measured in millennia rather than mere centuries

Having suspicions where to a Bodhisattva lives. (Other than at the Shoalin temple in China.)

Can tell the sad story of the sad Gnashing Dragon Wu with details, names and facial descriptions.

Knows of the new Disciplines (KotE Companion) Feng Shui, Hell Weaving, Kiai, Beast Shinta, Smoke Shinta, Storm Shinta, Mibasham, Tzu Wei.

Is familiar with the concept of Yulan-jin AKA "Soul Jumpers" who are corpse hopping Kuie-jin who are unable to go very far on their dharma, because they lose their bodies and are forced to find new ones whenever they face the "little death" aka Torpor and they forget parts of themselves when this happens.

You have detailed knowledge of the ways of the Heretical Dharmas. (Think, a good read through each of the Heresies of the Way book). Can precisely describe each Dharma's tenets, training, and weaknesses, and describe and discuss them at length using examples.

If there is a Rite known, you know it.