h e y i s e e a m o n k e y l o o k i n g i n m y s i t e :]


WOW. I has been ages since I've been back here. I haven't touched this for like 2 years now! Anywho. I've decided to jot back here and restart again because I havent gotten anywhere with this site. Well, I welcome you. Click on my Links (I hope they still work) and enjoy the show. =) EMAIL ME if the links dont work. :) thanks Immadork@hotmail.com

Before you enter. . .

"Do not judge me by the way I look, for the content of my heart is more than you can see on the outside. This is just a mask that the Lord has giveth me for mytime being here on earth. All shall fade away in time. True beauty is of the

[enter here]