Campaign House Rules

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No lurkers are permitted in a game session.

No "Out of Game Speak" (OGS) is allowed during a game session, except to the DM for descriptions and clarifications.
ABSOLUTLY NO RULES DISCUSSIONS (RDs) WILL BE CONDUCTED IN GAME.  If you disrupt the game with OGS or RDs, then your character will be immolated and you will leave the game. You will receive two verbal warnings. On the third occasion, your character dies.

Arcane and spiritual magics are cast with spell points and ALL components.

You will be expected to keep track of spell components. All magic is cast as free magick. You can only cast spells up to the spell level that your mage or priest level allows.

Critical hits deal double damage. The DM will determine the effects of critical misses.

You should know the effects of a spell before you cast it. If you do not know the effect of a spell when you ask to cast it, then the spell fizzles because you forgot how to cast it and you lose the spell points. You can write a short reminder on your character sheet to help you remember spell effects.

I will provide you with 2 photocopies of your character sheet, and you will keep records on two character sheets: one that you will submit to me after each session and one that you will keep.

ABSOLUTELY NO RULEBOOKS OR DICE ARE ALLOWED IN A GAME SESSION. You should bring only a writing utensil, your character sheet and yourself to the game.

I will make all dice rolls on the computer.

We will use third edition initiative, and we will not use weapon speeds. We will use group initiative.

The best role-player in each session will receive 500 XP times combined levels. The runner-up role-player in each session will receive 250 XP times combined levels. Any player who receives a warning for OGS or RDs during a game session will subtract 500 XP times combined levels. Characters will receive single and group XP for all encounters but not for treasure. Characters will receive double XP if they can roleplay potential combat encounters without fighting.

Characters will receive 4 CPs per level.

Level advancement will take place after a game session.

Character Creation Notes

All orignal materials (c) 2000 by Eric R. Evans and are provided for personal, non-profit use only.
Some materials are (c) by TSR, Inc. and Wizards of the Coast. Those materials are used without permission.