DAY 105 Thursday June 13th, 2002
Clarksville, Oconochee State Park, VA to Burkesville, Twin Lakes State Park, VA
Mileage:   67, total of 4,165 miles.
Virginia really is green.  A beautiful green with gentle rolling hills.  I decided to take it easy today so that i can State Park hop all the way to DC.  Virginia has won the Best State Park's award in the nation, and i aim to evaluate them personally.  A great ending to a journey such as this.  I spotted another deer on the side of the road today, or did she spot me?  Taking a long afternoon break after a long, hot, and slow morning on the green hills of Virginia.  Twin Lakes State Park sure is nice.  Probably the best part would be the staff including rangers, campgroud host and general office folks.  Rain tonight.
DAY 106 Friday June 14th, 2002
Burkesville, VA to Richmond, VA
Mileage: 65 miles, total of 4,230miles.
Despite the rainfall all night long and a pack of squirrels who consumed all my breakfast cookies, I feel great.  The rain really cooled things down and the light drizzle continues to keep things comfortable.  Lingered around the campsite with the camp host and ranger talking the good talk.  Also met a friendly couple who invited me to their Fredericksburg home if i should pass through.  Only a few more days of riding and i am enjoying the process.  Heading toward a private campground some 20 miles north of Amelia, where i am stopped for lunch. 
Well, sometimes 'things' don't go as planned....since i wound up in Richmond, after missing my northern route turn-off point from Hwy 360.  THAT is where it all started going wrong.  Someone 'donated' a full bottle of 7-up at me (literally) while driving 65mph on the highway, catching this surprised cyclist right in the left upper arm.  I now have a multi-colored design on my arm to visualize where it hurts.  Thunderstorm warnings were in effects, said some folks on the way, so i decided to find a motel instead of my State Park destination just outside of Richmond.  Unfortunately the thunderstorm came BEFORE i found shelter.  Soaked and chilled, I was happy to stumble upon the Days Inn, where i didn't even mind the numerous cockroaches scattered on the floor and the bathtub, some alive and some not.  What a day!  If this were not enough.... I learned that i lost my cell phone.  The good news being that i was able to locate it at a stop i had made just 20 miles earlier...looks like tomorrow can only get better, eh?  I was told there would be days like this.
DAY 107 Saturday June 15th, 2002
Richmond, VA to Ashland, VA
Mileage:  45 miles, total of 4,275
Took a little detour today on the infamous Hwy 360 to retrieve my cell phone, making this a long day to advance little.  I am currently not yet at my earlier starting point and needed shelter from the sun and traffic.  OK...time to continue, I am so close to reaching my final destination that even  a day like yester cannot defeat me.  Onward!
Met another cross country cyclist named Jeff at the Americamps campground where we shared a campsite, riding tips, and road stories.  Neighbors Brian, Katie, and Taylor were a pleasure to meet as well.
DAY 108 Sunday June 16th, 2002
Ashland, VA to Triangle, VA (Prince William National Forest)
Mileage:  91 miles, total of 4,366
After following my compass for exactly 27 miles on the backroads (an unsuccessful attempt to take the road less travelled) I realized that my compass does not work properly.  I thoroughly enjoyed my morning detour, through shaded backroads until i accidentally found myself back on the main Hwy 1.  There was a quick downpour with thunderstorm midday, so i grabbed some coffee and chatted with a grocer until it passed.  The Prince William National Forest is beautiful!  I rode for 6 miles inside the park without passing another moving vehicle.  Riding through a thick fog up and down the hilly scenic drive, I passed about 6 or so deer.  What a great place to be.  As my exhaustion set in, I began to make up a song, in Spanish, counting down the tenths of a mile, to a tune very similar to 100 bottles of beer on the wall.  Anyway, I did make it before darkness set in and I found a nice spot to camp near a family of four. 
DAY 109 Monday June 17th, 2002
Traingle, VA to Fairfax, VA
Mileage: 45 miles, total of 4,411
If you ask me, I am practically there!  If people who live here, commute to DC for work, doesn't that mean that i am done almost?  Keyword is Almost.  What a great visit with former Country Director of Peace Corps Eastern Caribbean and his family in their Virginia home.  The Styles family welcomed me to their home just like they always did in St. Lucia.  Congratulations to Kristen on her high school graduation!  I felt it was best to spend my final moments of this ride with the Styles family considering the fact that they played such an important part during my 1st Peace Corps experience.  Many thanks to David, Patti, Meghan, Kristen, and Elizabeth!
DAY 110 Tuesday June 18th, 2002
Fairfax, VA to Rockville, MD
Mileage:  38 miles, total of 4,449
Took a bike path to Arlington, VA where i found the regional Peace Corps Office on Wilson Blvd.  Spent some time with the recruitment staff and took care of  some logistics concerning the National Peace Corps 40+1 Conference.  The Zoofest celebration held at the National Zoo will be held on Saturday June 22nd from 11am until 3pm with some great music and events, including my official 'Roll-in' at lunchtime.
Am staying with my dear friend from City Honors High School, Jennifer Murphy in Rockville.  This trip has been all about people.  Meeting new ones.  Reconnecting with old friends.  Etc. 
I will be spending the rest of the week in preparation and participation in the NPCA conference.  Hope to see you all on Saturday!!!!
DAY 111 Wednesday June 19th, 2002
Rockville, MD
Bought some civilian cothes.  Took a bike loop around the community.  More time with Jennifer Claire well spent.
DAY 112 Thursday June 20th, 2002
Rockville, MD to Washington, DC
Mileage:  35 miles, total of 4,484 miles.
On my way to NW Constitution Ave to stay with one of my favorite City Honors High School buddies, Matt Antkowiak!  For those of you who know and love Matt...he hasn't changed at all.  Rode on bike paths all the way to DC.  Hats off to this region of America for its bicycle friendly ways.  A converted bike path beginning in Bethesda, MD was a treat  to ride.  I stopped for a bagel in Bethesda where i met a charming old fellow, retired surgeon/recreational cyclist,  who pleasured me with conversation and company nearly all the way to the city.  I expected to be overcome with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment as I crossed the bridge into the city...but instead I felt nothing special.  Instead I parked  my cycle just outside  Ann Taylor..  I marched myself in and notified the somewhat puzzled employee that i needed a suit.  After an hour of trying on various outfits, I walked out of the store and strapped my purchase to the B.O.B. trailer and continued to my final destination stop, Matt's house. 
DAY 113 Friday June 21st, 2002
Washington , DC
NPCA 40+1 Anniversary Conference Job Fair.
Many hello's to familiar faces and friends.  Spent the day hob-nobbing with prospective employers.  Perhaps my favorite thing today was witnessing my personal advocate, RPCV Amy Kloner in action as she went from table to table selling her product, Me!    According to Amy, I am a catch for any employer.  Thanks Amy!  Another example of the remarkable friends i have in my life.  Lucky me.   
DAY 114 Saturday June 22nd, 2002
The National Zoo, Washington, DC
Final mileage:  4, 499 miles.
My few moments of fame happened just after 12noon at the NPCA National Zoo outdoor event.
THE END.  All my love and thanks to the hundreds and hundreds of individuals who are  a part of this story. 

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