School wasn't good.

There were Spanish kids

and Indian kids

and they called me Gringo.

I kept telling them

over and over

that my name was Lynne.

. . .

They laughed at me

and tried to trip me.

At recess, I ran out to get on the swings

and a boy ran up behind me and knocked me off the seat

and I fell with my nose in the dust.

Then a big girl who was in my class

named Ramona

pushed the boy away from my swing

helped me up

and held it while I sat back down.

But she never spoke to me again.

Nobody did.

Daddy didn't like his job.

He missed the railroad

as soon as he found out there was a slaughterhouse out back

of the meat packing plant.

He had to walk across the kill floor

slick with blood and hair and guts

where cows and hogs were stunned by a hammerblow

to their heads

strung up

their throats cut

stripped of their hides

cut up into steaks and ham.

Mom was having a hard time too

If she turned on a faucet, it might or might not work.

If she flipped on a light switch, it might or might not work.

If she flushed the toilet, it might or might not work.

so Daddy would always put a bucket of water in the bathroom

just in case.

. . .

Daddy didn't whistle all the time like he used to.

Mom didn't sing much.

We needed help.

So we joined a church.


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Music Playing: In the Garden

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