By the time Mom got the letter

her father was buried.

She went outside and sat on the back steps

all morning.

Flies buzzed around her head.

It was hotter than hot.

Hogs were screaming

as they were herded into the chute

that led them to death.

It made me so mad I could spit nickels!

Poor Mom couldn't even cry for her Dad in peace.

Daddy was sleeping.

He was always tired out

from his job as a nightwatchman.

. . .

I fixed bread and butter and sugar

for lunch

for me and the boys.

Then I did up the breakfast dishes.

A cockroach fell off the ceiling

into the dishpan.

I didn't yell and carry on

like I usually did

because I was nervous about Mom.

. . .

After a bit I peeked out at her.

I could see sweat running from under her bun

down the back of her neck.

Her head was in her hands.

That afternoon some church ladies came to visit Mom

and they brought her a picture of Jesus to hang over the couch.

Mom was flustered at first

because her eyes were swollen

and her cheeks were blotchy.

. . .

She told them about Tudaddy.

How she didn't even get to go to his funeral.

The ladies fussed over her

and asked me for an icepick

so they could make Mom some icy cold water.

. . .

She perked right up

and thanked them for the picture and the water

and apologized for the messy house

and for not having any cookies to serve to them.

They patted her hair and hugged her

and said, "Why, this house is spotless!"

and, "It's too hot to eat cookies!"

and, "We're too fat to eat cookies anyway!"

. . .

That night when I crawled onto my cot and pulled the mosquito netting


to keep the bugs off

I prayed my first prayer that I didn't have to think about!

I prayed, "Thank you, Jesus, for church ladies".


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Music Playing: Wind Beneath My Wings

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A pretty site about Gayla's Christian family!
