Our backyard was the Phoenix dump

and our front yard looked at piles of cow and pig hides

roasting in the sun

covered with flies.

Everything around us


. . .

Daddy got dressed quick

and took Jimmy and Wes

and went to the store.

He bought bacon and eggs and bread

and soap.

Mom washed the pots and pans real good

and made breakfast

and our house smelled like bacon

so we all felt better.

"I wish I had a Spiegel catalog"

Mom said, rinsing plates and stacking them in the drainer.

"I want to order some rugs and curtains".

Daddy stood behind her and put his arms around her

nestling his chin in her neck.

"What say we take the bus into Phoenix

and go to Monkey Ward's

and you can pick out anything you want".

Mom laid out the rules to me and the boys

Don't go to the dump, don't get near those hides, don't go anywhere by


. . .

Daddy went back to the store

and got an Indian Head tablet and some pencils

and he and Mom sat at the gray kitchen table

decorated only with cigarette burns

and made plans.

Get the kids registered for school, get groceries, get cleaning supplies.

Get mosquito netting to keep the bugs from crawling on us at night.

Get a fan.

Get a car.

Join a church.

. . .

That night we didn't read the Bible for devotions.

Mom sang for us instead.

"When we've been there ten thousand years"

Bright shining as the Phoenix sun!"

We all laughed.

I loved it when Mom acted silly.

"We've no less days to sing God's praise

than when we first begun."

. . .

Daddy had tears in his eyes

and he kissed Mom on the lips

and we got down on our knees

and Mom prayed

"Thank you dear Lord for this opportunity."

Even I, worried as I was, bowed my head to God's will.


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Music Playing: Amazing Grace

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